False Start
This Is My Life (but You're The Worst Of Actors)


You came into my world and
You're still a stranger
I can see your heart and
I see the danger
You could never know
Just let it go

The bright lights beam down and
They shine so brightly
Right upon your face and
You know it's likely
Your dreams may not come true
For you

No matter what they say
It doesn't matter anyway


All this time I've come to find
The dream I hold - just take your time
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
We were searching for it all this time


I can see it in you
We're moving forward
Never looking back
Our hopes are now restored
So you cannot see-

No matter what you do
It is up to you


All this time I've come to find
The dream I hold - just take your time
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
We were searching for it

We don't care
What you say
Never mattered anyway

You can't take
My dreams away
No, never mattered anyway

All this time I've come to find
The dream I hold - just take your time
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
We were searching for it

All this time I've come to find
The dream I hold - just take your time
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
We were searching for it


All this time I've come to find
The dream I hold - just take your time
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
We were searching for it

No matter what you do
It's up to you
No matter what you say
It's up to you
No matter what you do
It's up to you


[The End]

**LYRICS transcribed via CD Booklet.
(c) False Start

**LYRICS were edited to be as complete
as the recording ~ Jess.

Mirror lyrics:

as the recording ~ Jess.
**LYRICS were edited to be as complete

(c) False Start
**LYRICS transcribed via CD Booklet.

[The End]


It's up to you
No matter what you do
It's up to you
No matter what you say
It's up to you
No matter what you do

We were searching for it
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
The dream I hold - just take your time
All this time I've come to find


We were searching for it
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
The dream I hold - just take your time
All this time I've come to find

We were searching for it
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
The dream I hold - just take your time
All this time I've come to find

No, never mattered anyway
My dreams away
You can't take

Never mattered anyway
What you say
We don't care

We were searching for it
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
The dream I hold - just take your time
All this time I've come to find


It is up to you
No matter what you do

So you cannot see-
Our hopes are now restored
Never looking back
We're moving forward
I can see it in you


We were searching for it all this time
Shut your mouth - don't cross the line
The dream I hold - just take your time
All this time I've come to find


It doesn't matter anyway
No matter what they say

For you
Your dreams may not come true
You know it's likely
Right upon your face and
They shine so brightly
The bright lights beam down and

Just let it go
You could never know
I see the danger
I can see your heart and
You're still a stranger
You came into my world and


Relevant Tags:
TThis IIs MMy LLife ((but YYou're TThe WWorst OOf AActors) his s y ife but ou're he orst f ctors) hTis sI yM iLfe b(ut oYu're hTe oWrst fO cAtors)
fhis js jy kife (bbut gou're fhe aorst kf zctors) fThis jIs jMy kLife (ut gYou're fThe aWorst kOf zActors) Tfhis Ijs Mjy Lkife (ubt Ygou're Tfhe Waorst Okf Azctors)
5his 9s ky oife (vut hou're 5he 3orst 9f qctors) 5This 9Is kMy oLife (vbut hYou're 5The 3Worst 9Of qActors) T5his I9s Mky Loife (bvut Yhou're T5he W3orst O9f Aqctors)
hhis ls ny pife (gut 6ou're hhe dorst 0f sctors) hThis lIs nMy pLife (gbut 6You're hThe dWorst 0Of sActors) Thhis Ils Mny Lpife (bgut Y6ou're Thhe Wdorst O0f Asctors)
yhis os Myy Liife (nut uou're yhe eorst lf wctors) yThis oIs M Lfe (nbut uYou're yThe eWorst lOf wActors) Tyhis Ios My Lfie (bnut Yuou're Tyhe Weorst Olf Awctors)
6his ks Mg Ljfe (hut 7ou're 6he sorst if xctors) 6This kIs Mgy Ljife (hbut 7You're 6The sWorst iOf xActors) T6his Iks Myg Lijfe (bhut Y7ou're T6he Wsorst Oif Axctors)
ghis 8s Mh L9fe (buut jou're ghe 2orst Off Acctors) gThis 8Is Mhy L9ife (bt jYou're gThe 2Worst O Ators) Tghis I8s Myh Li9fe (btu Yjou're Tghe W2orst Of Atcors)
rhis us M6 Llfe (bht tou're rhe qorst Oc Aftors) rThis uIs M6y Llife tYou're rThe qWorst Ocf Afctors) Trhis Ius My6 Lilfe (buht Ytou're Trhe Wqorst Ofc Acftors)
Iss Mu Lofe (b7t Yoou're Woorst Or Axtors) Tis I Muy (b7ut Yu're Te Wrst Orf Tihs Is Myu Liofe (bu7t Yuo're Teh Wrost Ofr Acxtors)
Tjis Iz M7 Lkfe (bkt Yku're Tje Wkrst Og Avtors) Tjhis Izs M7y (bkut Ykou're Tjhe Wkorst Ogf Avctors) Thjis Isz My7 Likfe (bukt Yoku're Thje Wokrst Ofg Acvtors)
Tuis Iw Mj L8fe (bit Y9u're Tue W9rst Ot Adtors) Tuhis Iws L8ife (biut Y9ou're Tuhe W9orst Otf Adctors) Thuis Isw Myj Li8fe (buit Yo9u're Thue Wo9rst Oft Acdtors)
Tnis Id Mt Lufe (b8t Y0u're Tne W0rst Ov Acttors) Tnhis Ids Mty Luife (b8ut Y0ou're Tnhe W0orst Ovf Acors) Thnis Isd Myt Liufe (bu8t Yo0u're Thne Wo0rst Ofv Acotrs)
Tbis Ie Liffe (bjt Ylu're Tbe Wlrst Od Acfors) Tbhis Ies Lie (bjut Ylou're Tbhe Wlorst Odf Thbis Ise Lief (bujt Yolu're Thbe Wolrst Ofd Actfors)
Tgis Ix Lice (byt Yiu're Tge Wirst Ac5ors) Ixs Licfe (byut Yiou're Wiorst Ac5tors) Thgis Isx Lifce (buyt Yoiu're Thge Woirst Act5ors)
Tyis Ia Lire (butt Youu're Tye Worrst Achors) Ias Lirfe (bu Yo're Wost Achtors) Thyis Isa Lifre (but Yo'ure Thye Wosrt Acthors)
Thiis Lige (buf Yoh're Thee Wodst Acyors) Ths Ligfe (buft Yohu're Th Wodrst Acytors) Thsi Lifge (butf Youh're The Wordst Actyors)
Thjs Lite (bu5 Yo7're Ths Wo4st Ac6ors) Litfe (bu5t Yo7u're Thse Wo4rst Ac6tors) Thijs Lifte (but5 You7're Thes Wor4st Act6ors)
Th9s Live (buh Yok're Th3 Wogst Acgors) Th9is Livfe Th3e Wogrst Acgtors) Thi9s Lifve (buth Youk're The3 Worgst Actgors)
Thls Lide (buy Yoi're Thf Wotst Acrors) Thlis Lidfe Thfe Wotrst Acrtors) Thils Lifde (buty Youi're Thef Wortst Actrors)
Thos Lifee (bu6 Yo8're Thr Wo5st Actoors) Thois Lif (bu6t Yo8u're Thre Wo5rst Actrs) Thios Life (but6 You8're Ther Wor5st Actros)

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