Fall Out Boy
Snitches And Talkers Get Stitches And Walkers

Show me, show me, show me a starry-eyed kid.
I, I, I will break his jaw.
I won't, I won't, I won't let him get his hopes up.
And I will save him from himself.
Here's a picture with a note,
"No, don't turn out like me."
It's only for your own good.

And haven't you heard,
The word on the street is,
"I lost it, called it quits."
Get it into the sun,
Out from behind the gossip.
Oh, oh, oh.

This story's getting old.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind.
Keep, k-keep talking.
Keep this alive.
This story's getting old.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind now-ow-ow.

Hey, hey (x3)

Even when there's,
N-n-n-nothing worth living for.
It's still, it's still, still worth lying for.
N-no one has to know-ow-ow.
And haven't you heard,
The word on the street is,
"I lost it, called it quits."
Get it into the sun,
Out from behind the gossip.
Oh, oh, oh.

This story's getting old.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind.
Keep, k-keep talking.
Keep this alive.
This story's getting old.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind now-ow-ow.


This story's getting old.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind.
Keep, k-keep talking.
Keep this alive.
This story's getting old.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind now-ow-ow.
N-n-now-ow-ow (x3)


Mirror lyrics:


N-n-now-ow-ow (x3)
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind now-ow-ow.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
This story's getting old.
Keep this alive.
Keep, k-keep talking.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
This story's getting old.


Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind now-ow-ow.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
This story's getting old.
Keep this alive.
Keep, k-keep talking.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
This story's getting old.

Oh, oh, oh.
Out from behind the gossip.
Get it into the sun,
"I lost it, called it quits."
The word on the street is,
And haven't you heard,
N-no one has to know-ow-ow.
It's still, it's still, still worth lying for.
N-n-n-nothing worth living for.
Even when there's,

Hey, hey (x3)

Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind now-ow-ow.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
This story's getting old.
Keep this alive.
Keep, k-keep talking.
Keep you locked up in the trunk of my mind.
A homewrecker with a heart of gold.
This story's getting old.

Oh, oh, oh.
Out from behind the gossip.
Get it into the sun,
"I lost it, called it quits."
The word on the street is,
And haven't you heard,

It's only for your own good.
"No, don't turn out like me."
Here's a picture with a note,
And I will save him from himself.
I won't, I won't, I won't let him get his hopes up.
I, I, I will break his jaw.
Show me, show me, show me a starry-eyed kid.

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