Purgatory Time

Cry cry, cry your eyes out.
You'll get no pity out of me.
Try try, to lie your way out.
It will not fool me you'll see.

You alone have picked the game,
There is no one else to blame.

Reality closes in
on your life filled of sin,
it's purgatory time.
It's your time to live the sum
of the acts you have done,
it's purgatory time.

No no, chance for pardon.
Don't try to plead unsound mind.
Go go, and try to bargain.
Your conscience's left far behind.

Mirror lyrics:

Your conscience's left far behind.
Go go, and try to bargain.
Don't try to plead unsound mind.
No no, chance for pardon.

it's purgatory time.
of the acts you have done,
It's your time to live the sum
it's purgatory time.
on your life filled of sin,
Reality closes in

There is no one else to blame.
You alone have picked the game,

It will not fool me you'll see.
Try try, to lie your way out.
You'll get no pity out of me.
Cry cry, cry your eyes out.

Relevant Tags:
PPurgatory TTime urgatory ime uPrgatory iTme 0urgatory fime 0Purgatory fTime P0urgatory Tfime lurgatory 5ime lPurgatory 5Time
Plurgatory T5ime ourgatory hime oPurgatory hTime Pourgatory Thime Puurgatory yime Prgatory yTime Prugatory Tyime Phrgatory 6ime
Phurgatory 6Time Puhrgatory T6ime P7rgatory gime P7urgatory gTime Pu7rgatory Tgime Pkrgatory rime Pkurgatory rTime Pukrgatory Trime
Pirgatory Tiime Piurgatory Tme Puirgatory Tmie P8rgatory Tjme P8urgatory Tjime Pu8rgatory Tijme Pjrgatory T9me Pjurgatory T9ime
Pujrgatory Ti9me Pyrgatory Tlme Pyurgatory Tlime Puyrgatory Tilme Purrgatory Tome Pugatory Toime Pugratory Tiome Pudgatory Tkme
Pudrgatory Tkime Purdgatory Tikme Pu4gatory T8me Pu4rgatory T8ime Pur4gatory Ti8me Puggatory Tume Pugrgatory Tuime Purggatory Tiume
Putgatory Timme Putrgatory Tie Purtgatory Tiem Pu5gatory Tije Pu5rgatory Pur5gatory Timje Pufgatory Tike Pufrgatory
Purfgatory Timke Puegatory Tine Puergatory Tinme Puregatory Timne Timee Puratory Tim Puragtory Time Purhatory Tims
Purhgatory Timse Purghatory Times Puryatory Tim3 Purygatory Tim3e Purgyatory Time3 Purbatory Timf Purbgatory Timfe Purgbatory Timef
Purvatory Timr Purvgatory Timre Purgvatory Timer Purfatory Tim4 Tim4e Purgfatory Time4 Purtatory Timd Timde
Purgtatory Timed Purgaatory Timw Purgtory Timwe Purgtaory Timew Purgztory Purgzatory Purgaztory Purgqtory
Purgqatory Purgaqtory Purgstory Purgsatory

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