Substitutional World

You stared too long into the sun
forgot the rest of the sky
Don't let the gambler lead you astray
the truth is slipping further away
Take a good look up to the sky
and tell me what do you see
Isn't there a sun amongst the clouds?
Then where else could it be?

Substitutional world
has become their home for all time,
they will never taste the real
They live in a cage
restricted by their own hands
they will never feel free

Have you ever been dazzled
by the bright morninglight?
Have you ever heard the birds sing
have you ever tasted the gifts
of mother earth?
You've burnt all your precious wings
as you had to touch the sun
The ashes in your breath
is the bitter taste of what you've done

The higher your luckystar rises
the deeper you will fall
Who are you to impersonate god
who are you to know it all?
As soon as you see tomorrow dawn
the future unfolds before your eyes
It's but a sweet dream you dreamed
it's a nightmare of the world's demise

Mirror lyrics:

it's a nightmare of the world's demise
It's but a sweet dream you dreamed
the future unfolds before your eyes
As soon as you see tomorrow dawn
who are you to know it all?
Who are you to impersonate god
the deeper you will fall
The higher your luckystar rises

is the bitter taste of what you've done
The ashes in your breath
as you had to touch the sun
You've burnt all your precious wings
of mother earth?
have you ever tasted the gifts
Have you ever heard the birds sing
by the bright morninglight?
Have you ever been dazzled

they will never feel free
restricted by their own hands
They live in a cage
they will never taste the real
has become their home for all time,
Substitutional world

Then where else could it be?
Isn't there a sun amongst the clouds?
and tell me what do you see
Take a good look up to the sky
the truth is slipping further away
Don't let the gambler lead you astray
forgot the rest of the sky
You stared too long into the sun

Relevant Tags:
SSubstitutional WWorld ubstitutional orld uSbstitutional oWrld zubstitutional aorld zSubstitutional aWorld Szubstitutional Waorld
wubstitutional 3orld wSubstitutional 3World Swubstitutional W3orld dubstitutional dorld dSubstitutional dWorld Sdubstitutional Wdorld
eubstitutional eorld eSubstitutional eWorld Seubstitutional Weorld xubstitutional sorld xSubstitutional sWorld Sxubstitutional Wsorld
aubstitutional 2orld aSubstitutional 2World Saubstitutional W2orld Suubstitutional qorld Sbstitutional qWorld Sbustitutional Wqorld
Shbstitutional Woorld Shubstitutional Wrld Suhbstitutional Wrold S7bstitutional Wkrld S7ubstitutional Wkorld Su7bstitutional Wokrld
Skbstitutional W9rld Skubstitutional W9orld Sukbstitutional Wo9rld Sibstitutional W0rld Siubstitutional W0orld Suibstitutional Wo0rld
S8bstitutional Wlrld S8ubstitutional Wlorld Su8bstitutional Wolrld Sjbstitutional Wirld Sjubstitutional Wiorld Sujbstitutional Woirld
Sybstitutional Worrld Syubstitutional Wold Suybstitutional Wolrd Subbstitutional Wodld Sustitutional Wodrld Susbtitutional Wordld
Suvstitutional Wo4ld Suvbstitutional Wo4rld Subvstitutional Wor4ld Sugstitutional Wogld Sugbstitutional Wogrld Subgstitutional Worgld
Sunstitutional Wotld Sunbstitutional Wotrld Subnstitutional Wortld Suhstitutional Wo5ld Wo5rld Subhstitutional Wor5ld
Subsstitutional Wofld Subtitutional Wofrld Subtsitutional Worfld Subztitutional Woeld Subzstitutional Woerld Subsztitutional Woreld
Subwtitutional Worlld Subwstitutional Word Subswtitutional Wordl Subdtitutional Workd Subdstitutional Workld Subsdtitutional Worlkd
Subetitutional Worod Subestitutional Worold Subsetitutional Worlod Subxtitutional Worpd Subxstitutional Worpld Subsxtitutional Worlpd
Subatitutional Worldd Subastitutional Worl Subsatitutional World Substtitutional Worlx Subsitutional Worlxd Subsittutional Worldx
Subsfitutional Worle Subsftitutional Worled Substfitutional Worlde Subs5itutional Worlf Subs5titutional Worlfd Subst5itutional Worldf
Subshitutional Worlr Subshtitutional Worlrd Substhitutional Worldr Subsyitutional Worlc Subsytitutional Worlcd Substyitutional Worldc
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