Fame Factory
C'mon Julie The Wallstones

I met Julie back in junior high
and I can still recall the way she smiled
ooh, yeah
she became some kind of fantasy
that's been clinging to my memory
ooh, yeah

C'mon Julie let's dance
to another place where we can find ourselves again
c'mon Julie let's dance
the years have made me older
my heart is getting colder
so c'mon sweet Julie let's dance
c'mon, c'mon....

There's a picture taken 84
I've been keeping in my top desk drawer
Ooh, yeah
When I touch it with my fingertips
I can smell her hair and taste her lips
And the music played on....

Mirror lyrics:

And the music played on....
I can smell her hair and taste her lips
When I touch it with my fingertips
Ooh, yeah
I've been keeping in my top desk drawer
There's a picture taken 84

c'mon, c'mon....
so c'mon sweet Julie let's dance
my heart is getting colder
the years have made me older
c'mon Julie let's dance
to another place where we can find ourselves again
C'mon Julie let's dance

ooh, yeah
that's been clinging to my memory
she became some kind of fantasy
ooh, yeah
and I can still recall the way she smiled
I met Julie back in junior high

Relevant Tags:
CC'mon JJulie TThe WWallstones 'mon ulie he allstones 'Cmon uJlie hTe aWllstones f'mon kulie fhe aallstones fC'mon kJulie fThe aWallstones
Cf'mon Jkulie Tfhe Waallstones x'mon iulie 5he 3allstones xC'mon iJulie 5The 3Wallstones Cx'mon Jiulie T5he W3allstones v'mon mulie hhe dallstones
vC'mon mJulie hThe dWallstones Cv'mon Jmulie Thhe Wdallstones d'mon nulie yhe eallstones dC'mon nJulie yThe eWallstones Cd'mon Jnulie Tyhe Weallstones
C''mon hulie 6he sallstones Cmon hJulie 6The sWallstones Cm'on Jhulie T6he Wsallstones C'mmon uulie ghe 2allstones C'on uJulie gThe 2Wallstones
C'omn Juulie Tghe W2allstones C'jon rhe qallstones C'jmon Jlie rThe qWallstones C'mjon Jluie Trhe Wqallstones C'kon Jhlie
C'kmon Te Wllstones C'mkon Juhlie Teh Wlalstones C'non J7lie Tje Wzllstones C'nmon J7ulie Tjhe Wzallstones C'mnon Ju7lie Thje Wazllstones
C'moon Jklie Tue Wqllstones C'mn Tuhe C'mno Juklie Thue Waqllstones C'mkn Jilie Tne Wsllstones Tnhe
C'mokn Juilie Thne Wasllstones C'm9n J8lie Tbe Wwllstones C'm9on J8ulie Tbhe Wwallstones C'mo9n Ju8lie Thbe Wawllstones C'm0n Jjlie Tge Wxllstones
C'm0on Jjulie Wxallstones C'mo0n Jujlie Thge Waxllstones C'mln Jylie Tye Walllstones C'mlon Jyulie Walstones C'moln Juylie Thye Wallstones
C'min Jullie Thee Waklstones C'mion Juie Th Wakllstones C'moin Juile The Walklstones C'monn Jukie Ths Waolstones C'mo Thse Waollstones
C'mon Julkie Thes Walolstones C'mom Juoie Th3 Waplstones C'momn Juolie Th3e Wapllstones C'monm Juloie The3 Walplstones C'moh Jupie Thf
C'mohn Juplie Thfe C'monh Julpie Thef Walsltones C'moj Juliie Thr Walkstones C'mojn Jule Thre C'monj Julei Ther Wallkstones
C'mob Julje Th4 Walostones C'mobn Juljie Th4e C'monb Julije The4 Wallostones Jul9e Thd Walpstones Jul9ie Thde
Juli9e Thed Wallpstones Julle Thw Wallsstones Thwe Walltones Julile Thew Walltsones Juloe Wallztones
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Jul8e Walldtones Jul8ie Walldstones Juli8e Wallsdtones Julue Walletones Juluie Wallestones
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