I Can't Get Close Enough

Anything, I would give anything
If I could only show you
How strong my passion is for you

But every time I've tried to tell you
I can't find the right words to say
No matter how hard I keep trying
I just haven't found a way

I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through

Everywhere, I would go everywhere
Right beside you, if that would prove my love for you
Wherever you lead, I would follow, it makes no difference, you see
I'd give anything to make you understand how much you mean to me

I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through

Oh, I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through

Got to get closer, near enough, near enough for you
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Close enough, got to get closer, near enough, near enough
(Near enough for you)

Close enough, got to get closer
Near enough for you
Close enough, got to get closer
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Near enough
(Near enough)

Mirror lyrics:

(Near enough)
Near enough
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Close enough, got to get closer
Near enough for you
Close enough, got to get closer

(Near enough for you)
Close enough, got to get closer, near enough, near enough
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Got to get closer, near enough, near enough for you

But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
Oh, I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you

But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you

I'd give anything to make you understand how much you mean to me
Wherever you lead, I would follow, it makes no difference, you see
Right beside you, if that would prove my love for you
Everywhere, I would go everywhere

But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you

I just haven't found a way
No matter how hard I keep trying
I can't find the right words to say
But every time I've tried to tell you

How strong my passion is for you
If I could only show you
Anything, I would give anything

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't GGet CClose EEnough an't et lose nough I aCn't eGt lCose nEough j fan't het flose snough jI fCan't hGet fClose sEnough Ij Cfan't Ghet Cflose Esnough
9 xan't yet xlose 3nough 9I xCan't yGet xClose 3Enough I9 Cxan't Gyet Cxlose E3nough l van't bet vlose fnough lI vCan't bGet vClose fEnough Il Cvan't Gbet Cvlose Efnough
o dan't vet dlose rnough oI dCan't vGet dClose rEnough Io Cdan't Gvet Cdlose Ernough k Caan't fet Cllose 4nough kI Cn't fGet Cose 4Enough Ik Cna't Gfet Colse E4nough
8 Czn't tet Ckose dnough 8I Czan't tGet Cklose dEnough I8 Cazn't Gtet Clkose Ednough u Cqn't Geet Coose wnough uI Cqan't Gt Colose wEnough Iu Caqn't Gte Cloose Ewnough
Csn't Gst Cpose Ennough Csan't Gset Cplose Eough Casn't Gest Clpose Eonugh Cwn't G3t Emough Cwan't G3et Clse Emnough Cawn't Ge3t Clsoe Enmough
Cxn't Gft Clkse Ehough Ehnough Caxn't Geft Clokse Enhough Cann't Grt Cl9se Ejough Ca't Gret Cl9ose Ejnough Ca'nt Gert Clo9se Enjough
Cam't G4t Cl0se Ebough Camn't G4et Cl0ose Ebnough Canm't Ge4t Clo0se Enbough Cah't Gdt Cllse Enoough Cahn't Gdet Enugh Canh't Gedt Clolse Enuogh
Caj't Gwt Clise Enkugh Cajn't Gwet Cliose Enkough Canj't Gewt Cloise Enokugh Cab't Gett Closse En9ugh Cabn't Ge Cloe En9ough Canb't Get Cloes Eno9ugh
Can''t Gef Cloze En0ugh Cant Clozse En0ough Cant' Getf Closze Eno0ugh Can'tt Ge5 Clowe Enlugh Can' Ge5t Clowse Enlough Can't Get5 Closwe Enolugh
Can'f Geh Clode Eniugh Can'ft Geht Clodse Eniough Can'tf Geth Closde Enoiugh Can'5 Gey Cloee Enouugh

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