Evidence One
In The Beginning There Was Fire

Once I was lost inside your eyes
Now I'm lost within myself
I saw the truth in all your lies
But you left me hanging, hanging by a thread

No more the fool inside
Who's countin' the minutes at midnight

In The Beginning There Was Fire
Burning for a long time
Just like loveletters from a liar
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
I tried so hard to understand
Baby, I tried so hard to be your man
This bursting dream I can't forget
You left me hanging, hanging by a thread - yeah!

No more the fool inside
Who's countin' the minutes at midnight

In The Beginning There Was Fire
Burning for a long time
lust like loveletters from a liar
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
In The Beginning There Was Fire
Burning for a long time
Just like loveletters from a liar
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
In The Beginning There Was Fire
Burning for a long time
lust like loveletters from a liar
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
In The Beginning There Was Fire -
Burning for a long time
lust like loveletters from a liar -
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line

Mirror lyrics:

Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
lust like loveletters from a liar -
Burning for a long time
In The Beginning There Was Fire -
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
lust like loveletters from a liar
Burning for a long time
In The Beginning There Was Fire
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
Just like loveletters from a liar
Burning for a long time
In The Beginning There Was Fire
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
lust like loveletters from a liar
Burning for a long time
In The Beginning There Was Fire

Who's countin' the minutes at midnight
No more the fool inside

You left me hanging, hanging by a thread - yeah!
This bursting dream I can't forget
Baby, I tried so hard to be your man
I tried so hard to understand
Baby, you're walkin' on a thin line
Just like loveletters from a liar
Burning for a long time
In The Beginning There Was Fire

Who's countin' the minutes at midnight
No more the fool inside

But you left me hanging, hanging by a thread
I saw the truth in all your lies
Now I'm lost within myself
Once I was lost inside your eyes

Relevant Tags:
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kn 6he Beeginning 6here sas vire kIn 6The Bginning 6There sWas vFire Ikn T6he Bgeinning T6here Wsas Fvire 8n ghe Bsginning ghere 2as dire 8In gThe Bseginning gThere 2Was dFire
I8n Tghe Besginning Tghere W2as Fdire un rhe B3ginning rhere qas Fiire uIn rThe B3eginning rThere qWas Fre Iun Trhe Be3ginning Trhere Wqas Frie Inn Bfginning Fjre
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Beinning Wxas F8ire Thge Beignning Thgere Waxs Fi8re Tye Behinning Tyere Fure Behginning Wa Fuire Thye Beghinning Thyere Was Fiure
Thee Beyinning Theere Waz Firre Th Beyginning Thre Fie The Begyinning Three Wasz Fier Ths Bebinning Thsre Waw Fide Thse Bebginning Thsere Fidre
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Thfe Thfere Waes Figre Thef Begfinning Thefre Wase Firge Thr Betinning Thrre Wax Fite Thre Betginning Threre Fitre Ther Begtinning Therre Wasx Firte
Th4 Begiinning Th4re Waa Fi5e Th4e Begnning Th4ere Fi5re The4 Begnining The4re Wasa Fir5e Thd Begjnning Thdre Fife Thde Begjinning Thdere Fifre
Thed Begijnning Thedre Firfe Thw Beg9nning Thwre Fiee Thwe Beg9inning Thwere Fiere Thew Begi9nning Thewre Firee Beglnning
Beglinning Thee Fir Begilnning Theer Fire Begonning Thede Firs Begoinning Firse Begionning Therde Fires
Begknning The4e Fir3 Begkinning Fir3e Begiknning Ther4e Fire3 Beg8nning Thege Firf Beg8inning Thegre
Begi8nning Therge Firef

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