Reflections Of A Broken Soul

I fooled myself again
Trusting an illusion
Of what I thought to be
Never ceasing love
I burned myself again
Leaving scars that never heal
Becoming cynical
To this thing called love

Look into my mind
Fragments of what I desired
In this state I cry
Father please won't you show me

Show me how
To stop it now
Cleanse my mind
Help me find

My soul is an open wound
Filled with salt of sadness
Was this my destiny
To be left alone
I nurse my misery
Leave no room for anyone
Still I am cynical
To this thing called love

A pale reflection
Of a broken soul
Slips through these eyes
Full of tears
Emotional blackout

I cannot trust my own feelings
My sorrow eats me up inside

Learn from mistakes
See what it takes
My feelings fail
Your love remains

Mirror lyrics:

Your love remains
My feelings fail
See what it takes
Learn from mistakes

My sorrow eats me up inside
I cannot trust my own feelings

Emotional blackout
Full of tears
Slips through these eyes
Of a broken soul
A pale reflection

To this thing called love
Still I am cynical
Leave no room for anyone
I nurse my misery
To be left alone
Was this my destiny
Filled with salt of sadness
My soul is an open wound

Help me find
Cleanse my mind
To stop it now
Show me how

Father please won't you show me
In this state I cry
Fragments of what I desired
Look into my mind

To this thing called love
Becoming cynical
Leaving scars that never heal
I burned myself again
Never ceasing love
Of what I thought to be
Trusting an illusion
I fooled myself again

Relevant Tags:
RReflections OOf AA BBroken SSoul eflections f roken oul eRflections fO A rBoken oSul deflections kf z vroken zoul dReflections kOf zA vBroken zSoul
Rdeflections Okf Az Bvroken Szoul 4eflections 9f q groken woul 4Reflections 9Of qA gBroken wSoul R4eflections O9f Aq Bgroken Swoul geflections 0f s nroken doul
gReflections 0Of sA nBroken dSoul Rgeflections O0f As Bnroken Sdoul teflections lf w hroken eoul tReflections lOf wA hBroken eSoul Rteflections Olf Aw Bhroken Seoul
5eflections if x Brroken xoul 5Reflections iOf xA Boken xSoul R5eflections Oif Ax Borken Sxoul feflections Off Bdoken aoul fReflections O Bdroken aSoul
Rfeflections Of Brdoken Saoul eeflections Oc B4oken Sooul eReflections Ocf B4roken Sul Reeflections Ofc Br4oken Suol Or Bgoken Skul
Rflections Orf Skoul Rfelections Ofr Brgoken Sokul Rsflections Og Btoken S9ul Rseflections Ogf Btroken S9oul Resflections Ofg Brtoken So9ul
R3flections Ot B5oken S0ul R3eflections Otf B5roken S0oul Re3flections Oft Br5oken So0ul Rfflections Ov Bfoken Slul Ovf Bfroken Sloul
Refflections Ofv Brfoken Solul Rrflections Od Beoken Siul Rreflections Odf Beroken Sioul Rerflections Ofd Breoken Soiul R4flections Brooken Souul
Brken Sol Re4flections Brkoen Solu Rdflections Brkken Sohl Brkoken Sohul Redflections Brokken Souhl
Rwflections Br9ken So7l Rweflections Br9oken So7ul Rewflections Bro9ken Sou7l Br0ken Sokl Relections Br0oken
Relfections Bro0ken Soukl Reclections Brlken Soil Recflections Brloken Refclections Brolken Souil Rerlections Briken So8l
Brioken So8ul Refrlections Broiken Sou8l Reglections Sojl Regflections Broen Sojul Refglections Broekn Soujl
Retlections Brolen Soyl Retflections Soyul Reftlections Broklen Souyl Revlections Brooen Soull Revflections Sou
Refvlections Brokoen Soul Redlections Bromen Souk Bromken Refdlections Brokmen Soulk Refllections Brojen Souo
Refections Brojken Souol Refelctions Brokjen Soulo Refkections Broien Soup Refklections Soupl Reflkections Brokien Soulp
Refoections Brokeen Refolections Brokn Refloections Brokne Refpections Broksn Refplections Broksen
Reflpections Brokesn Refleections Brok3n Reflctions Brok3en Reflcetions Broke3n Reflsctions Brokfn
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Reflfctions Brok4n Reflfections Brok4en Reflefctions Broke4n Reflrctions Brokdn Reflrections Brokden
Reflerctions Brokedn Refl4ctions Brokwn Refl4ections Brokwen Refle4ctions Brokewn Refldctions Brokenn
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