Fame Factory
Power Of Life Dajana Lã¶ã¶f

There's a spirit inside us all, baby
That needs to fly away and smile
And in your dreams you can be it
Be prepered to leaving maybe just a while

Power of life, has land in tonight
And if you don't get here in time
You'll have to wait,
For a thousend of years to go by

So I was saying, let's start dreaming
And it could all come true today
Cause it's all up to you now
You've got the message, hear me when I say

Power of life, has land in tonight
And if you don't get here in time
You'll have to wait,
For a thousend of years to go by

If you open up your senses
You will feel it in the air
Now you heard it's coming, it's coming,
It's coming your way

Power of life, has land in tonight
And if you don't get here in time
You'll have to wait,
For a thousend of years to go by

Power of life, has land in tonight
And if you don't get here in time
You'll have to wait,
For a thousend of years to go by

Power Of Life

Mirror lyrics:

Power Of Life

For a thousend of years to go by
You'll have to wait,
And if you don't get here in time
Power of life, has land in tonight

For a thousend of years to go by
You'll have to wait,
And if you don't get here in time
Power of life, has land in tonight

It's coming your way
Now you heard it's coming, it's coming,
You will feel it in the air
If you open up your senses

For a thousend of years to go by
You'll have to wait,
And if you don't get here in time
Power of life, has land in tonight

You've got the message, hear me when I say
Cause it's all up to you now
And it could all come true today
So I was saying, let's start dreaming

For a thousend of years to go by
You'll have to wait,
And if you don't get here in time
Power of life, has land in tonight

Be prepered to leaving maybe just a while
And in your dreams you can be it
That needs to fly away and smile
There's a spirit inside us all, baby

Relevant Tags:
PPower OOf LLife DDajana LLã¶ã¶f ower f ife ajana ã¶ã¶f oPwer fO iLfe aDjana ãL¶ã¶f 0ower kf kife xajana kã¶ã¶f 0Power kOf kLife xDajana kLã¶ã¶f
P0ower Okf Lkife Dxajana Lkã¶ã¶f lower 9f oife eajana oã¶ã¶f lPower 9Of oLife eDajana oLã¶ã¶f Plower O9f Loife Deajana Loã¶ã¶f oower 0f pife fajana pã¶ã¶f
oPower 0Of pLife fDajana pLã¶ã¶f Poower O0f Lpife Dfajana Lpã¶ã¶f lf Liife rajana Lãã¶ã¶f Pwer lOf Lfe rDajana L¶ã¶f Pwoer Olf Lfie Drajana L¶ãã¶f
Pkwer if Ljfe cajana L㶶ã¶f Pkower iOf Ljife cDajana Lãã¶f Pokwer Oif Lijfe Dcajana Lã㶶f P9wer Off L9fe sajana Lã¶ãã¶f P9ower O L9ife sDajana L㶶f
Po9wer Of Li9fe Dsajana L㶶ãf P0wer Oc Llfe Daajana Lã¶ã¶¶f Ocf Llife Djana Lã¶ãf Po0wer Ofc Lilfe Djaana Lã¶ãf¶ Plwer Or Lofe Dzjana Lã¶ã¶ff
Orf Dzajana Lã¶ã¶ Polwer Ofr Liofe Dazjana Lã¶ã¶f Piwer Og Lkfe Dqjana Lã¶ã¶c Piower Ogf Dqajana Lã¶ã¶cf Poiwer Ofg Likfe Daqjana Lã¶ã¶fc
Powwer Ot L8fe Dsjana Lã¶ã¶r Poer Otf L8ife Lã¶ã¶rf Poewr Oft Li8fe Dasjana Lã¶ã¶fr Poaer Ov Lufe Dwjana Lã¶ã¶g Poawer Ovf Luife Dwajana Lã¶ã¶gf
Powaer Ofv Liufe Dawjana Lã¶ã¶fg Po3er Od Liffe Dxjana Lã¶ã¶t Po3wer Odf Lie Lã¶ã¶tf Pow3er Ofd Lief Daxjana Lã¶ã¶ft Poder Lice Dajjana Lã¶ã¶v
Podwer Licfe Daana Lã¶ã¶vf Powder Lifce Daajna Lã¶ã¶fv Poeer Lire Dakana Lã¶ã¶d Poewer Lirfe Dakjana Lã¶ã¶df Poweer Lifre Dajkana Lã¶ã¶fd
Poser Lige Daiana Poswer Ligfe Daijana Powser Lifge Dajiana Po2er Lite Damana Po2wer Litfe Damjana
Pow2er Lifte Dajmana Poqer Live Danana Poqwer Livfe Danjana Powqer Lifve Dajnana Lide Dahana

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