Fame Factory
Ocd Markus Landgren

They clicker your hair
A laugh in your ear
Maybe that's all I can give you
How will be gone
So far away
Leave you content with a self-life
I've godda know
Cause someone been to slow

I'm checking your seat
Treating your well
Desperate to straggled to please you
Falling behind
They waiting my time
Even the crowds that you left me
I faced the stone
I wanna take you home

I know you're thoughts at me
Ain't high
I know your feelings want me out
I know we'll never make it through this time
I know my body's mush too weak
I know I can't sleep for a week
I know your heaven is too high
So my hell is not too deep

You ask for my bed
I crush on the couch
Try to get over this feeling
You opened the door
Parry my lips
If I were presiding pounded crane
I faced the stone
My OCD so strong


(Heaven's too high)
(I never thought you love me)
Heaven's too high
I never thought you love me


(Heaven's too high)
My hell is not too deep
(I never thought you love me)
(Heaven's too high)
I never thought you love me
(Heaven's too high)
(I never thought you love me)
(Heaven's too high)
(I never thought you love me)

Mirror lyrics:

(I never thought you love me)
(Heaven's too high)
(I never thought you love me)
(Heaven's too high)
I never thought you love me
(Heaven's too high)
(I never thought you love me)
My hell is not too deep
(Heaven's too high)


I never thought you love me
Heaven's too high
(I never thought you love me)
(Heaven's too high)


My OCD so strong
I faced the stone
If I were presiding pounded crane
Parry my lips
You opened the door
Try to get over this feeling
I crush on the couch
You ask for my bed

So my hell is not too deep
I know your heaven is too high
I know I can't sleep for a week
I know my body's mush too weak
I know we'll never make it through this time
I know your feelings want me out
Ain't high
I know you're thoughts at me

I wanna take you home
I faced the stone
Even the crowds that you left me
They waiting my time
Falling behind
Desperate to straggled to please you
Treating your well
I'm checking your seat

Cause someone been to slow
I've godda know
Leave you content with a self-life
So far away
How will be gone
Maybe that's all I can give you
A laugh in your ear
They clicker your hair

Relevant Tags:
OOcd MMarkus LLandgren cd arkus andgren cOd aMrkus aLndgren kcd jarkus kandgren kOcd jMarkus kLandgren Okcd Mjarkus Lkandgren
9cd karkus oandgren 9Ocd kMarkus oLandgren O9cd Mkarkus Loandgren 0cd narkus pandgren 0Ocd nMarkus pLandgren O0cd Mnarkus Lpandgren
lcd Maarkus Laandgren lOcd Mrkus Lndgren Olcd Mrakus Lnadgren icd Mzrkus Lzndgren iOcd Mzarkus Lzandgren Oicd Mazrkus Lazndgren
Occd Mqrkus Lqndgren Od Mqarkus Lqandgren Odc Maqrkus Laqndgren Ofd Msrkus Lsndgren Ofcd Msarkus Lsandgren Ocfd Masrkus Lasndgren
Oxd Mwrkus Lwndgren Oxcd Mwarkus Lwandgren Ocxd Mawrkus Lawndgren Ovd Mxrkus Lxndgren Ovcd Mxarkus Lxandgren Ocvd Maxrkus Laxndgren
Odd Marrkus Lanndgren Odcd Makus Ladgren Ocdd Makrus Ladngren Madkus Lamdgren Oc Madrkus Lamndgren Ocd Mardkus Lanmdgren
Ocx Ma4kus Lahdgren Ma4rkus Lahndgren Ocdx Mar4kus Lanhdgren Oce Magkus Lajdgren Oced Magrkus Lajndgren Ocde Margkus Lanjdgren
Ocf Matkus Labdgren Matrkus Labndgren Ocdf Martkus Lanbdgren Ocr Ma5kus Landdgren Ocrd Ma5rkus Langren Ocdr Mar5kus Langdren
Occ Mafkus Lanxgren Mafrkus Lanxdgren Ocdc Marfkus Landxgren Ocs Maekus Lanegren Ocsd Maerkus Lanedgren Ocds Marekus Landegren
Markkus Lanfgren Marus Lanfdgren Maruks Landfgren Marlus Lanrgren Marlkus Lanrdgren Marklus Landrgren
Marous Lancgren Marokus Lancdgren Markous Landcgren Marmus Lansgren Marmkus Lansdgren Markmus Landsgren
Marjus Landggren Marjkus Landren Markjus Landrgen Marius Landhren Marikus Landhgren

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