Faith Evans
Ain't Nobody

verse one:

Ain't nobody who can love me like you do
Ain't no reason that I'll ever be untrue
There's no need for me to try
I can't find the reason why
Ain't nobody who can really love me like you do

I was always the one
Who needed some affection
And you opened your heart to me
Now I'm falling in love
And I can't get enough of your love
There ain't no

Repeat verse one

Since you've been in my life
Now I have direction
And I know where I want to be
Boy you know it's with you
Cuz I love what you do
When you're making sweet love to me
I thought that I was wrong
For wanting to be with you all the time
I never knew
That you would play games with my mind

Repeat verse one

verse two:

When you hold me in your arms
I get this feeling
Fill me with your love
Can't nobody love me like you boy
Cuz you give me your good love
Ain't nobody who can love me like you do

Repeat verse two until fade

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat verse two until fade

Ain't nobody who can love me like you do
Cuz you give me your good love
Can't nobody love me like you boy
Fill me with your love
I get this feeling
When you hold me in your arms

verse two:

Repeat verse one

That you would play games with my mind
I never knew
For wanting to be with you all the time
I thought that I was wrong
When you're making sweet love to me
Cuz I love what you do
Boy you know it's with you
And I know where I want to be
Now I have direction
Since you've been in my life

Repeat verse one

There ain't no
And I can't get enough of your love
Now I'm falling in love
And you opened your heart to me
Who needed some affection
I was always the one

Ain't nobody who can really love me like you do
I can't find the reason why
There's no need for me to try
Ain't no reason that I'll ever be untrue
Ain't nobody who can love me like you do

verse one:

Relevant Tags:
AAin't NNobody in't obody iAn't oNbody zin't mobody zAin't mNobody Azin't Nmobody qin't hobody qAin't hNobody Aqin't Nhobody
sin't jobody sAin't jNobody Asin't Njobody win't bobody wAin't bNobody Awin't Nbobody xin't Noobody xAin't Nbody Axin't Nboody
Aiin't Nkbody An't Nkobody Ani't Nokbody Ajn't N9body Ajin't N9obody Aijn't No9body A9n't N0body A9in't N0obody Ai9n't No0body
Aln't Nlbody Alin't Nlobody Ailn't Nolbody Aon't Nibody Aoin't Niobody Aion't Noibody Akn't Nobbody Akin't Noody Aikn't Noobdy
A8n't Novody A8in't Novbody Ai8n't Nobvody Aun't Nogody Auin't Nogbody Aiun't Nobgody Ainn't Nonody Ai't Nonbody Ai'nt Nobnody
Aim't Nohody Aimn't Nohbody Ainm't Nobhody Aih't Noboody Aihn't Nobdy Ainh't Nobdoy Aij't Nobkdy Nobkody Ainj't Nobokdy
Aib't Nob9dy Aibn't Nob9ody

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