Fairport Convention
Meet On The Ledge

We used to say
That come the day
We'd all be making songs
Or finding better words
These ideas never lasted long

The way is up
Along the road
The air is growing thin
Too many friends who tried
Were blown off this mountain with the wind

Meet on the ledge
We're gonna meet on the ledge
When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends
Meet on the ledge
We're gonna meet on the ledge
If you really mean it, it all comes round again

Yet now I see
I'm all alone
But that's the only way to be
You'll have your chance again
Then you can do the work for me

Meet on the ledge
We're gonna meet on the ledge
When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends
Meet on the ledge
We're gonna meet on the ledge
If you really mean it, it all comes round again

Meet on the ledge
We're gonna meet on the ledge
When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends
Meet on the ledge
We're gonna meet on the ledge
If you really mean it, it all comes round again

Mirror lyrics:

If you really mean it, it all comes round again
We're gonna meet on the ledge
Meet on the ledge
When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends
We're gonna meet on the ledge
Meet on the ledge

If you really mean it, it all comes round again
We're gonna meet on the ledge
Meet on the ledge
When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends
We're gonna meet on the ledge
Meet on the ledge

Then you can do the work for me
You'll have your chance again
But that's the only way to be
I'm all alone
Yet now I see

If you really mean it, it all comes round again
We're gonna meet on the ledge
Meet on the ledge
When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends
We're gonna meet on the ledge
Meet on the ledge

Were blown off this mountain with the wind
Too many friends who tried
The air is growing thin
Along the road
The way is up

These ideas never lasted long
Or finding better words
We'd all be making songs
That come the day
We used to say

Relevant Tags:
MMeet OOn TThe LLedge eet n he edge eMet nO hTe eLdge jeet kn fhe kedge jMeet kOn fThe kLedge Mjeet Okn Tfhe Lkedge
keet 9n 5he oedge kMeet 9On 5The oLedge Mkeet O9n T5he Loedge neet 0n hhe pedge nMeet 0On hThe pLedge Mneet O0n Thhe Lpedge
Meeet ln yhe Leedge Met lOn yThe Ldge Meet Oln Tyhe Ldege Mset in 6he Lsdge Mseet iOn 6The Lsedge Meset Oin T6he Lesdge
M3et Onn ghe L3dge M3eet O gThe L3edge Me3et On Tghe Le3dge Mfet Om rhe Lfdge Mfeet Omn rThe Lfedge Mefet Onm Trhe Lefdge
Mret Oh Lrdge Mreet Ohn Te Lredge Meret Onh Teh Lerdge M4et Oj Tje L4dge M4eet Ojn Tjhe L4edge Me4et Onj Thje Le4dge
Mdet Ob Tue Lddge Mdeet Obn Tuhe Ldedge Medet Onb Thue Leddge Mwet Tne Lwdge Mweet Tnhe Lwedge Mewet Thne Lewdge
Tbe Tbhe Lege Mete Thbe Legde Mest Tge Lexge Lexdge Meest Thge Ledxge
Me3t Tye Leege Mee3t Thye Ledege Meft Thee Lefge Th Meeft The Ledfge

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