Fairground Attraction
The Game Of Love

I'll never understand this game of love
If I live for ever it won't be long enough
Skies are blue and grass is green
But some things aren't as simple as they seem
And I'll never understand this game of love

No I'll never understand this game of love
If I live for ever it won't be long enough
Fire is hot and ice is cold
But some things aren't as clear and bold
And I'll never understand this game of love

I'll never understand this game of love, oh no
If I live for ever it won't be long enough
Fire is hot and ice is cold
But some things aren't as clear and bold
And I'll never understand this game of love
No I'll never understand this game of love
I'll never understand this game of love

Mirror lyrics:

I'll never understand this game of love
No I'll never understand this game of love
And I'll never understand this game of love
But some things aren't as clear and bold
Fire is hot and ice is cold
If I live for ever it won't be long enough
I'll never understand this game of love, oh no

And I'll never understand this game of love
But some things aren't as clear and bold
Fire is hot and ice is cold
If I live for ever it won't be long enough
No I'll never understand this game of love

And I'll never understand this game of love
But some things aren't as simple as they seem
Skies are blue and grass is green
If I live for ever it won't be long enough
I'll never understand this game of love

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGame OOf LLove he ame f ove hTe aGme fO oLve fhe hame kf kove fThe hGame kOf kLove Tfhe Ghame Okf Lkove 5he yame 9f oove
5The yGame 9Of oLove T5he Gyame O9f Loove hhe bame 0f pove hThe bGame 0Of pLove Thhe Gbame O0f Lpove yhe vame lf yThe vGame lOf Lve
Tyhe Gvame Olf Lvoe 6he fame if Lkve 6The fGame iOf T6he Gfame Oif Lokve ghe tame Off L9ve gThe tGame O L9ove Tghe Gtame Of Lo9ve
rhe Gaame Oc L0ve rThe Gme Ocf L0ove Trhe Gmae Ofc Lo0ve Gzme Or Llve Te Gzame Orf Llove Teh Gazme Ofr Lolve Tje Gqme Og Live
Tjhe Gqame Ogf Liove Thje Gaqme Ofg Loive Tue Gsme Ot Lovve Tuhe Gsame Otf Loe Thue Gasme Oft Loev Tne Gwme Ov Lobe Tnhe Gwame Ovf Lobve
Thne Gawme Ofv Lovbe Tbe Gxme Od Loce Tbhe Gxame Odf Locve

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