Faith Hill
I Ain't Gonna Take It Anymore

You've worn the soles off both your shoes
Walkin' on me like ya do
This ain't what forever's for
And I ain't gonna take it
I ain't gonna take it anymore

I've cried and begged and cursed and prayed
But nothing's worked and nothing's changed
No way I win when you keep score
And I ain't gonna take it
I ain't gonna take it anymore

I'm gonna crawl out from this stone that I've been under
To see the light and breathe the air
And you'll have a million reasons why I shouldn't leave you
But for the first time in a long time
I don't care

I guess on one hand you should laugh
Cuz' I said the same things in the past
But this time one hand's on the door
And I ain't gonna take it
I ain't gonna take it anymore


Now I can't help but think of you
Lookin' back in my rear view
But I've been down that road before
And I ain't gonna take it
I ain't gonna take it, anymore
Oh, I ain't gonna take it
I aint gonna take it, anymore

Mirror lyrics:

I aint gonna take it, anymore
Oh, I ain't gonna take it
I ain't gonna take it, anymore
And I ain't gonna take it
But I've been down that road before
Lookin' back in my rear view
Now I can't help but think of you


I ain't gonna take it anymore
And I ain't gonna take it
But this time one hand's on the door
Cuz' I said the same things in the past
I guess on one hand you should laugh

I don't care
But for the first time in a long time
And you'll have a million reasons why I shouldn't leave you
To see the light and breathe the air
I'm gonna crawl out from this stone that I've been under

I ain't gonna take it anymore
And I ain't gonna take it
No way I win when you keep score
But nothing's worked and nothing's changed
I've cried and begged and cursed and prayed

I ain't gonna take it anymore
And I ain't gonna take it
This ain't what forever's for
Walkin' on me like ya do
You've worn the soles off both your shoes

Relevant Tags:
II AAin't GGonna TTake IIt AAnymore in't onna ake t nymore I iAn't oGnna aTke tI nAymore j zin't honna fake jt znymore jI zAin't hGonna fTake jIt zAnymore
Ij Azin't Ghonna Tfake Ijt Aznymore 9 qin't yonna 5ake 9t qnymore 9I qAin't yGonna 5Take 9It qAnymore I9 Aqin't Gyonna T5ake I9t Aqnymore l sin't bonna hake lt snymore
lI sAin't bGonna hTake lIt sAnymore Il Asin't Gbonna Thake Ilt Asnymore o win't vonna yake ot wnymore oI wAin't vGonna yTake oIt wAnymore Io Awin't Gvonna Tyake Iot Awnymore
k xin't fonna 6ake kt xnymore kI xAin't fGonna 6Take kIt xAnymore Ik Axin't Gfonna T6ake Ikt Axnymore 8 Aiin't tonna gake 8t Annymore 8I An't tGonna gTake 8It Aymore
I8 Ani't Gtonna Tgake I8t Aynmore u Ajn't Goonna rake ut Amymore uI Ajin't Gnna rTake uIt Amnymore Iu Aijn't Gnona Trake Iut Anmymore A9n't Gknna Taake Itt Ahymore
A9in't Gkonna Tke I Ahnymore Ai9n't Goknna Tkae It Anhymore Aln't G9nna Tzke If Ajymore Alin't G9onna Tzake Ift Ajnymore Ailn't Go9nna Tazke Itf Anjymore
Aon't G0nna Tqke I5 Abymore Aoin't G0onna Tqake I5t Abnymore Aion't Go0nna Taqke It5 Anbymore Akn't Glnna Tske Ih Anyymore Akin't Glonna Tsake Iht Anmore
Aikn't Golnna Taske Ith Anmyore A8n't Ginna Twke Iy Angmore A8in't Gionna Twake Iyt Angymore Ai8n't Goinna Tawke Ity Anygmore Aun't Gonnna Txke I6 Anhmore
Auin't Gona Txake I6t Aiun't Gonna Taxke It6 Anyhmore Ainn't Gomna Takke Ig An6more Ai't Gomnna Tae Igt An6ymore Ai'nt Gonmna Taek Itg Any6more
Aim't Gohna Tale Ir Anumore Aimn't Gohnna Talke Irt Anuymore Ainm't Gonhna Takle Itr Anyumore Aih't Gojna Taoe An7more Aihn't Gojnna Taoke An7ymore
Ainh't Gonjna Takoe Any7more Aij't Gobna Tame Anjmore Gobnna Tamke Ainj't Gonbna Takme Anyjmore Aib't Taje Antmore
Aibn't Tajke Antymore Ainb't Gonan Takje Anytmore Ain''t Gonma Taie Anymmore Aint Taike Anyore Aint' Gonnma Takie Anyomre
Ain'tt Gonha Takee Anyjore Ain' Tak Ain't Gonnha Take Anymjore

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