Faron Young
You Are My Sunshine

(Jimmie Davis - Charles Mitchell)

The other night dear as I layed sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke dear I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cry.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

--- Instrumental ---

You told me once dear you really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me and you love another
You have shatered all my dreams.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...

Mirror lyrics:

Please don't take my sunshine away...
You'll never know dear how much I love you
You make me happy when skies are grey
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You have shatered all my dreams.
But now you've left me and you love another
And no one else could come between
You told me once dear you really loved me

--- Instrumental ---

Please don't take my sunshine away.
You'll never know dear how much I love you
You make me happy when skies are grey
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

And I hung my head and cry.
When I awoke dear I was mistaken
I dreamed I held you in my arms
The other night dear as I layed sleeping

(Jimmie Davis - Charles Mitchell)

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre MMy SSunshine ou re y unshine oYu rAe yM uSnshine gou zre jy zunshine gYou zAre jMy zSunshine Ygou Azre Mjy Szunshine
hou qre ky wunshine hYou qAre kMy wSunshine Yhou Aqre Mky Swunshine 6ou sre ny dunshine 6You sAre nMy dSunshine Y6ou Asre Mny Sdunshine
uou wre Myy eunshine uYou wAre M eSunshine Yuou Awre My Seunshine 7ou xre Mg xunshine 7You xAre Mgy xSunshine Y7ou Axre Myg Sxunshine
jou Arre Mh aunshine jYou Ae Mhy aSunshine Yjou Aer Myh Saunshine tou Ade M6 Suunshine tYou Adre M6y Snshine Ytou Arde My6 Snushine
Yoou A4e Mu Shnshine Yu A4re Muy Shunshine Yuo Ar4e Myu Suhnshine Yku Age M7 S7nshine Ykou Agre M7y S7unshine Yoku Arge My7 Su7nshine
Y9u Ate Mj Sknshine Y9ou Atre Skunshine Yo9u Arte Myj Suknshine Y0u A5e Mt Sinshine Y0ou A5re Mty Siunshine Yo0u Ar5e Myt Suinshine
Ylu Afe S8nshine Ylou Afre S8unshine Yolu Arfe Su8nshine Yiu Aee Sjnshine Yiou Aere Sjunshine Yoiu Aree Sujnshine
Youu Synshine Yo Ar Syunshine You Are Suynshine Yoh Ars Sunnshine Yohu Arse Sushine Youh Ares Susnhine
Yo7 Ar3 Sumshine Yo7u Ar3e Sumnshine You7 Are3 Sunmshine Yok Arf Suhshine Youk Aref Sunhshine Yoi Arr Sujshine
Youi Arer Sunjshine Yo8 Ar4 Subshine Yo8u Subnshine You8 Are4 Sunbshine Yoj Ard Sunsshine Yoju Sunhine
Youj Ared Sunhsine Yoy Arw Sunzhine Yoyu Arwe Sunzshine Youy Arew Sunszhine Sunwhine Sunwshine
Sunswhine Sundhine Sundshine Sunsdhine Sunehine Suneshine
Sunsehine Sunxhine Sunxshine Sunsxhine Sunahine Sunashine

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