Faron Young
That's What It's Like To Be Lonesome

(Dan Welch)

Tears keep rolling down your cheek
Your voice gets weak so you can't speak
Every day seems like a week
And that's what it's like to be lonesome.

You get too blue to stay at home
But in a crowd you're still alone
You lose the will to carry on
And that's what it's like to be lonesome.

Everyone has a hope that's died
Everyone cries a tear inside
Everyone has a cross to bear
But I've got no one in my share.

Your mind is built with memories
Your heart cries out for sympathy
An empty blue eternity
And that's what it's like to be lonesome.

--- Instrumental ---

Everyone has a hope that's died
Everyone cries a tear inside
Everyone has a cross to bear
But I've got no one in my share.

Your mind is built with memories
Your heart cries out for sympathy
An empty blue eternity
And that's what it's like to be lonesome...

Mirror lyrics:

And that's what it's like to be lonesome...
An empty blue eternity
Your heart cries out for sympathy
Your mind is built with memories

But I've got no one in my share.
Everyone has a cross to bear
Everyone cries a tear inside
Everyone has a hope that's died

--- Instrumental ---

And that's what it's like to be lonesome.
An empty blue eternity
Your heart cries out for sympathy
Your mind is built with memories

But I've got no one in my share.
Everyone has a cross to bear
Everyone cries a tear inside
Everyone has a hope that's died

And that's what it's like to be lonesome.
You lose the will to carry on
But in a crowd you're still alone
You get too blue to stay at home

And that's what it's like to be lonesome.
Every day seems like a week
Your voice gets weak so you can't speak
Tears keep rolling down your cheek

(Dan Welch)

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TThat's WWhat IIt's LLike TTo BBe LLonesome hat's hat t's ike o e onesome hTat's hWat tI's iLke oT eB oLnesome fhat's ahat jt's kike fo ve konesome
fThat's aWhat jIt's kLike fTo vBe kLonesome Tfhat's Wahat Ijt's Lkike Tfo Bve Lkonesome 5hat's 3hat 9t's oike 5o ge oonesome 5That's 3What 9It's oLike 5To gBe oLonesome
T5hat's W3hat I9t's Loike T5o Bge Loonesome hhat's dhat lt's pike ho ne ponesome hThat's dWhat lIt's pLike hTo nBe pLonesome Thhat's Wdhat Ilt's Lpike Tho Bne Lponesome
yhat's ehat ot's Liike yo he yThat's eWhat oIt's Lke yTo hBe Lnesome Tyhat's Wehat Iot's Lkie Tyo Bhe Lnoesome 6hat's shat kt's Ljke 6o Bee Lknesome
6That's sWhat kIt's Ljike 6To B T6hat's Wshat Ikt's Lijke T6o Be Loknesome ghat's 2hat 8t's L9ke go Bs L9nesome gThat's 2What 8It's L9ike gTo Bse L9onesome
Tghat's W2hat I8t's Li9ke Tgo Bes Lo9nesome rhat's qhat ut's Llke ro B3 L0nesome rThat's qWhat uIt's Llike rTo B3e L0onesome Trhat's Wqhat Iut's Lilke Tro Be3 Lo0nesome
Whhat Itt's Loke Too Bf Llnesome Tat's Wat I's T Bfe Llonesome Taht's Waht I'ts Lioke To Bef Lolnesome Tjat's Wjat If's Lkke Tk Br Linesome
Tjhat's Wjhat Ift's Tko Bre Lionesome Thjat's Whjat Itf's Likke Tok Ber Loinesome Tuat's Wuat I5's L8ke T9 B4 Lonnesome Tuhat's Wuhat I5t's L8ike T9o B4e Loesome
Thuat's Whuat It5's Li8ke To9 Be4 Loensome Tnat's Wnat Ih's Luke T0 Bd Lomesome Tnhat's Wnhat Iht's Luike T0o Bde Lomnesome Thnat's Whnat Ith's Liuke To0 Bed Lonmesome
Tbat's Wbat Iy's Tl Bw Lohesome Tbhat's Wbhat Iyt's Lie Tlo Bwe Lohnesome Thbat's Whbat Ity's Liek Tol Bew Lonhesome Tgat's Wgat I6's Lile Ti Lojesome
Wghat I6t's Tio Lojnesome Thgat's Whgat It6's Likle Toi Lonjesome Tyat's Wyat Ig's Lioe Lobesome Wyhat Igt's Lobnesome
Thyat's Whyat Itg's Likoe Lonbesome Thaat's Whaat Ir's Lime Loneesome Tht's Wht Irt's Limke Lonsome Thta's Whta Itr's Likme Lonseome
Thzt's Whzt It''s Lije Lonssome Thzat's Whzat Its Lonsesome Thazt's Whazt Its' Likje Lonessome Thqt's Whqt It'ss Liie Lon3some
Thqat's Whqat It' Lon3esome Thaqt's Whaqt It's Likie Lone3some Thst's Whst It'z Likee Lonfsome Thsat's Whsat It'zs Lik Lonfesome
Thast's Whast It'sz Like Lonefsome Thwt's Whwt It'w Liks Lonrsome Thwat's Whwat It'ws Likse Lonresome Thawt's Whawt It'sw Likes Lonersome
Thxt's Whxt It'd Lik3 Lon4some Thxat's Whxat It'ds Lik3e Lon4esome Thaxt's Whaxt It'sd Like3 Lone4some Thatt's Whatt It'e Likf Londsome
Tha's Wha It'es Likfe Londesome Tha'ts What It'se Likef Lonedsome Thaf's Whaf It'x Likr Lonwsome Thaft's Whaft It'xs Likre Lonwesome
Thatf's Whatf It'sx Liker Lonewsome

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