Faron Young
It's Gonna Take A Little Bit Longer

(Ben Peters)

Baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer
For me to ever get you off of my mind
Baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer
‘Cause I've been lovin' you a long, long time.

People try to tell me that it won't be long
Till I won't even miss you anymore
But I can tell them it must be something mighty wrong
‘Cause every day I want you even more.

And baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer
For me to ever get you off of my mind
Baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer
‘Cause I've been lovin' you a long, long time.

--- Instrumental ---

They say this lonely feeling it'll go away
But after all this time now it ain't gone
Every weaken moment and every night and day
It just seems to keep on keeping on.

Baby, it's gonna take a little bit longer
For me to ever get you off of my mind
Baby, it's gonna take a little bit longer
‘Cause I've been lovin' you a long, long time.

Yes, I've been lovin' you a long, long time…

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, I've been lovin' you a long, long time…

‘Cause I've been lovin' you a long, long time.
Baby, it's gonna take a little bit longer
For me to ever get you off of my mind
Baby, it's gonna take a little bit longer

It just seems to keep on keeping on.
Every weaken moment and every night and day
But after all this time now it ain't gone
They say this lonely feeling it'll go away

--- Instrumental ---

‘Cause I've been lovin' you a long, long time.
Baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer
For me to ever get you off of my mind
And baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer

‘Cause every day I want you even more.
But I can tell them it must be something mighty wrong
Till I won't even miss you anymore
People try to tell me that it won't be long

‘Cause I've been lovin' you a long, long time.
Baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer
For me to ever get you off of my mind
Baby. it's gonna take a little bit longer

(Ben Peters)

Relevant Tags:
IIt's GGonna TTake AA LLittle BBit LLonger t's onna ake ittle it onger tI's oGnna aTke A iLttle iBt oLnger jt's honna fake z kittle vit konger jIt's hGonna fTake zA kLittle vBit kLonger
Ijt's Ghonna Tfake Az Lkittle Bvit Lkonger 9t's yonna 5ake q oittle git oonger 9It's yGonna 5Take qA oLittle gBit oLonger I9t's Gyonna T5ake Aq Loittle Bgit Loonger lt's bonna hake s pittle nit ponger
lIt's bGonna hTake sA pLittle nBit pLonger Ilt's Gbonna Thake As Lpittle Bnit Lponger ot's vonna yake w Liittle hit oIt's vGonna yTake wA Lttle hBit Lnger Iot's Gvonna Tyake Aw Ltitle Bhit Lnoger
kt's fonna 6ake x Ljttle Biit Lknger kIt's fGonna 6Take xA Ljittle Bt Ikt's Gfonna T6ake Ax Lijttle Bti Loknger 8t's tonna gake L9ttle Bjt L9nger 8It's tGonna gTake L9ittle Bjit L9onger
I8t's Gtonna Tgake Li9ttle Bijt Lo9nger ut's Goonna rake Llttle B9t L0nger uIt's Gnna rTake Llittle B9it L0onger Iut's Gnona Trake Lilttle Bi9t Lo0nger Itt's Gknna Taake Lottle Blt Llnger
I's Gkonna Tke Blit Llonger I'ts Goknna Tkae Liottle Bilt Lolnger If's G9nna Tzke Lkttle Bot Linger Ift's G9onna Tzake Boit Lionger Itf's Go9nna Tazke Likttle Biot Loinger
I5's G0nna Tqke L8ttle Bkt Lonnger I5t's G0onna Tqake L8ittle Bkit Loger It5's Go0nna Taqke Li8ttle Bikt Logner Ih's Glnna Tske Luttle B8t Lomger Iht's Glonna Tsake Luittle B8it Lomnger
Ith's Golnna Taske Liuttle Bi8t Lonmger Iy's Ginna Twke Litttle But Lohger Iyt's Gionna Twake Litle Buit Lohnger Ity's Goinna Tawke Little Biut Lonhger I6's Gonnna Txke Liftle Bitt Lojger
I6t's Gona Txake Lifttle Bi Lojnger It6's Gonna Taxke Litftle Bit Lonjger Ig's Gomna Takke Li5tle Bif Lobger Igt's Gomnna Tae Li5ttle Bift Lobnger Itg's Gonmna Taek Lit5tle Bitf Lonbger
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