Faron Young
Have I Waited Too Long

(Webb Pierce - Linda Baggett - Nettles)

Have I waited too long
To say that I love you?
Have I waited too long
For my dreams to come true?

Each day here I pray
That you will forgive me
I know I was wrong
Have I waited too long.

It seems that all started
The day that we parted
I love you much more, now
Than ever before.

If you'll only forgive
You'll never be sorry?
I'll right every wrong
Have I waited too long?

--- Instrumental ---

Have I waited too long
To beg you forgiveness
Down hearted and blue
Always thinking of you.

Each night in my dreams
Your memories haunt me
I just can't go on
Have I waited too long.

It seems that all started
The day that we parted
I love you much more, now
Than ever before.

If you'll only forgive
You'll never be sorry?
I'll right every wrong
Have I waited too long?...

Mirror lyrics:

Have I waited too long?...
I'll right every wrong
You'll never be sorry?
If you'll only forgive

Than ever before.
I love you much more, now
The day that we parted
It seems that all started

Have I waited too long.
I just can't go on
Your memories haunt me
Each night in my dreams

Always thinking of you.
Down hearted and blue
To beg you forgiveness
Have I waited too long

--- Instrumental ---

Have I waited too long?
I'll right every wrong
You'll never be sorry?
If you'll only forgive

Than ever before.
I love you much more, now
The day that we parted
It seems that all started

Have I waited too long.
I know I was wrong
That you will forgive me
Each day here I pray

For my dreams to come true?
Have I waited too long
To say that I love you?
Have I waited too long

(Webb Pierce - Linda Baggett - Nettles)

Relevant Tags:
HHave II WWaited TToo LLong ave aited oo ong aHve I aWited oTo oLng jave j aaited foo kong jHave jI aWaited fToo kLong Hjave Ij Waaited Tfoo Lkong
uave 9 3aited 5oo oong uHave 9I 3Waited 5Too oLong Huave I9 W3aited T5oo Loong nave l daited hoo pong nHave lI dWaited hToo pLong Hnave Il Wdaited Thoo Lpong
bave o eaited yoo bHave oI eWaited yToo Lng Hbave Io Weaited Tyoo Lnog gave k saited 6oo Lkng gHave kI sWaited 6Too Hgave Ik Wsaited T6oo Lokng
yave 8 2aited goo L9ng yHave 8I 2Waited gToo L9ong Hyave I8 W2aited Tgoo Lo9ng Haave u qaited roo L0ng Hve uI qWaited rToo L0ong Hvae Iu Wqaited Troo Lo0ng
Hzve Tooo Llng Hzave Wited To Llong Hazve Wiated Too Lolng Hqve Wzited Tko Ling Hqave Wzaited Tkoo Liong Haqve Wazited Toko Loing
Hsve Wqited T9o Lonng Hsave T9oo Log Hasve Waqited To9o Logn Hwve Wsited T0o Lomg Hwave T0oo Lomng Hawve Wasited To0o Lonmg
Hxve Wwited Tlo Lohg Hxave Wwaited Tloo Lohng Haxve Wawited Tolo Lonhg Havve Wxited Tio Lojg Hae Wxaited Tioo Lojng Haev Waxited Toio Lonjg
Habe Waiited Lobg Habve Wated Lobng Havbe Watied Lonbg Hace Wajted Tok Longg Hacve Wajited Lon Havce Waijted Took Long
Hage Wa9ted To9 Lonh Hagve Wa9ited Havge Wai9ted Too9 Longh Hafe Walted To0 Lony Hafve Walited Lonyg Havfe Wailted Too0 Longy
Havee Waoted Tol Lonb Hav Waoited Have Waioted Tool Longb Havs Wakted Toi Lonv Havse Wakited Lonvg Haves Waikted Tooi Longv
Hav3 Wa8ted Lonf Hav3e Wa8ited Lonfg Have3 Wai8ted Longf

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