Faron Young
Hey, Good Lookin'

(Hank Williams)

Say hey, good lookin'
Hey, hey, whatcha got cookin'
Well, how's about cookin'
Something up with me
Hey, hey, sweet well, baby
Don't you think maybe
We could find us
A brand new recepie.

I got a hot rod Ford
And a two dollar bill
And I know a spot
Right over the hill.

There's soda pop
The dancin's free
So if you wanna have fun
Come along with me.

Say hey, good lookin'
Hey, hey, whatcha got cookin'
Well, how's about cookin'
Something up with me.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, I'm free and ready
So we can go steady
So how's about savin'
All your time for me?

No more lookin'
I know I've been tooken
How's about keepin'
Steady company.

I'm gonna throw
My datebook
over the fence
find me one for five
or ten cents.

Keep it till
It's covered with age
I'm writin' your name down
On every page.

Hey, hey, hey, good lookin'
Hey, hey, whatcha got cookin'
Well, how's about cookin'
How's about cookin'
How's about cookin'
Something up with me?...

Mirror lyrics:

Something up with me?...
How's about cookin'
How's about cookin'
Well, how's about cookin'
Hey, hey, whatcha got cookin'
Hey, hey, hey, good lookin'

On every page.
I'm writin' your name down
It's covered with age
Keep it till

or ten cents.
find me one for five
over the fence
My datebook
I'm gonna throw

Steady company.
How's about keepin'
I know I've been tooken
No more lookin'

All your time for me?
So how's about savin'
So we can go steady
Well, I'm free and ready

--- Instrumental ---

Something up with me.
Well, how's about cookin'
Hey, hey, whatcha got cookin'
Say hey, good lookin'

Come along with me.
So if you wanna have fun
The dancin's free
There's soda pop

Right over the hill.
And I know a spot
And a two dollar bill
I got a hot rod Ford

A brand new recepie.
We could find us
Don't you think maybe
Hey, hey, sweet well, baby
Something up with me
Well, how's about cookin'
Hey, hey, whatcha got cookin'
Say hey, good lookin'

(Hank Williams)

Relevant Tags:
HHey, GGood LLookin' ey, ood ookin' eHy, oGod oLokin' jey, hood kookin' jHey, hGood kLookin' Hjey, Ghood Lkookin'
uey, yood oookin' uHey, yGood oLookin' Huey, Gyood Loookin' ney, bood pookin' nHey, bGood pLookin' Hney, Gbood Lpookin'
bey, vood bHey, vGood Lokin' Hbey, Gvood Lookin' gey, food Lkokin' gHey, fGood Hgey, Gfood Lokokin'
yey, tood L9okin' yHey, tGood L9ookin' Hyey, Gtood Lo9okin' Heey, Goood L0okin' Hy, God L0ookin' Hye, Good Lo0okin'
Hsy, Gkod Llokin' Hsey, Gkood Llookin' Hesy, Gokod Lolokin' H3y, G9od Liokin' H3ey, G9ood Liookin' He3y, Go9od Loiokin'
Hfy, G0od Hfey, G0ood Hefy, Go0od Lokoin' Hry, Glod Lokkin' Hrey, Glood Hery, Golod Lookkin'
H4y, Giod Lo9kin' H4ey, Giood He4y, Goiod Loo9kin' Hdy, Lo0kin' Hdey, Hedy, Godo Loo0kin'
Hwy, Gokd Lolkin' Hwey,

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