Faron Young
Give A Lonely Heart A Home

(C. Davis - J. Len Pitts)

Well, could that look I see on you
Mean that you might be lonely too
Well, you don't have to feel so bad
You're not the only one that's sad.

Just look at all the hearts in town
You're looking for the lost and found
So someone special just like you might come along
And give a lonely heart a home.

Just give a lonely heart a home
One it can call its very own
And you can have true love from this moment on
Just give a lonely heart a home.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, just look close and you might find
The saddest heart in town is mine
And should we give true love a try
Our hearts just might see eye to eye.

So if you're looking for a way to do
Your good deed for today
The one thing you could do and not go wrong
Is give a lonely heart a home.

Just give a lonely heart a home
One it can call its very own
And you can have true love from this moment on
Just give a lonely heart a home.

And you can have true love from this moment on
Just give a lonely heart a home...

Mirror lyrics:

Just give a lonely heart a home...
And you can have true love from this moment on

Just give a lonely heart a home.
And you can have true love from this moment on
One it can call its very own
Just give a lonely heart a home

Is give a lonely heart a home.
The one thing you could do and not go wrong
Your good deed for today
So if you're looking for a way to do

Our hearts just might see eye to eye.
And should we give true love a try
The saddest heart in town is mine
Well, just look close and you might find

--- Instrumental ---

Just give a lonely heart a home.
And you can have true love from this moment on
One it can call its very own
Just give a lonely heart a home

And give a lonely heart a home.
So someone special just like you might come along
You're looking for the lost and found
Just look at all the hearts in town

You're not the only one that's sad.
Well, you don't have to feel so bad
Mean that you might be lonely too
Well, could that look I see on you

(C. Davis - J. Len Pitts)

Relevant Tags:
GGive AA LLonely HHeart AA HHome ive onely eart ome iGve A oLnely eHart A oHme hive z konely jeart z jome hGive zA kLonely jHeart zA jHome
Ghive Az Lkonely Hjeart Az Hjome yive q oonely ueart q uome yGive qA oLonely uHeart qA uHome Gyive Aq Loonely Hueart Aq Huome bive s ponely neart s nome
bGive sA pLonely nHeart sA nHome Gbive As Lponely Hneart As Hnome vive w beart w bome vGive wA Lnely bHeart wA bHome Gvive Aw Lnoely Hbeart Aw Hbome
five x Lknely geart x gome fGive xA gHeart xA gHome Gfive Ax Loknely Hgeart Ax Hgome tive L9nely yeart yome tGive L9onely yHeart yHome
Gtive Lo9nely Hyeart Hyome Giive L0nely Heeart Hoome Gve L0onely Hart Hme Gvie Lo0nely Haert Hmoe Gjve Llnely Hsart Hkme
Gjive Llonely Hseart Hkome Gijve Lolnely Hesart Hokme G9ve Linely H3art H9me G9ive Lionely H3eart H9ome Gi9ve Loinely He3art Ho9me
Glve Lonnely Hfart H0me Glive Loely Hfeart H0ome Gilve Loenly Hefart Ho0me Gove Lomely Hrart Hlme Goive Lomnely Hreart Hlome
Giove Lonmely Herart Holme Gkve Lohely H4art Hime Gkive Lohnely H4eart Hiome Gikve Lonhely He4art Hoime G8ve Lojely Hdart Homme
G8ive Lojnely Hdeart Hoe Gi8ve Lonjely Hedart Hoem Guve Lobely Hwart Hoje Guive Lobnely Hweart Hojme Giuve Lonbely Hewart Homje
Givve Loneely Heaart Hoke Gie Lonly Hert Giev Lonley Herat Homke Gibe Lonsly Hezrt Hone Gibve Lonsely Hezart Honme
Givbe Lonesly Heazrt Homne Gice Lon3ly Heqrt Homee

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