Faron Young
Everything I Have Is Yours

(Harold Adamson - Burton Lane)

Everything I have is yours, you're part of me
Everything I have is yours my destiny
I would gladly give the sun to you if the sun were only mine
I would gladly give the earth to you and the stars that shine.

Everything that I possess I offer you
Let my dream of happiness come true
I'd be happy just to spend my life waiting at your beck and call
Everything I have is yours my life my all.

--- Instrumental ---

Everything I have is yours, you're part of me
Everything I have is yours my destiny
I would gladly give the sun to you if the sun were only mine
I would gladly give the earth to you and the stars that shine.

Everything that I possess I offer you
Let my dream of happiness come true
I'd be happy just to spend my life waiting at your beck and call
Everything I have is yours my life my all...

Mirror lyrics:

Everything I have is yours my life my all...
I'd be happy just to spend my life waiting at your beck and call
Let my dream of happiness come true
Everything that I possess I offer you

I would gladly give the earth to you and the stars that shine.
I would gladly give the sun to you if the sun were only mine
Everything I have is yours my destiny
Everything I have is yours, you're part of me

--- Instrumental ---

Everything I have is yours my life my all.
I'd be happy just to spend my life waiting at your beck and call
Let my dream of happiness come true
Everything that I possess I offer you

I would gladly give the earth to you and the stars that shine.
I would gladly give the sun to you if the sun were only mine
Everything I have is yours my destiny
Everything I have is yours, you're part of me

(Harold Adamson - Burton Lane)

Relevant Tags:
EEverything II HHave IIs YYours verything ave s ours vEerything I aHve sI oYurs sverything j jave js gours sEverything jI jHave jIs gYours
Esverything Ij Hjave Ijs Ygours 3verything 9 uave 9s hours 3Everything 9I uHave 9Is hYours E3verything I9 Huave I9s Yhours fverything l nave ls 6ours
fEverything lI nHave lIs 6Yours Efverything Il Hnave Ils Y6ours rverything o bave os uours rEverything oI bHave oIs uYours Erverything Io Hbave Ios Yuours
4verything k gave ks 7ours 4Everything kI gHave kIs 7Yours E4verything Ik Hgave Iks Y7ours dverything 8 yave 8s jours dEverything 8I yHave 8Is jYours
Edverything I8 Hyave I8s Yjours wverything u Haave us tours wEverything uI Hve uIs tYours Ewverything Iu Hvae Ius Ytours Evverything Hzve Iss Yoours
Eerything Hzave I Yurs Eevrything Hazve Is Yuors Eberything Hqve Iz Ykurs Ebverything Hqave Izs Ykours Evberything Haqve Isz Yokurs
Ecerything Hsve Iw Y9urs Ecverything Hsave Iws Y9ours Evcerything Hasve Isw Yo9urs Egerything Hwve Id Y0urs Egverything Hwave Ids Y0ours
Evgerything Hawve Isd Yo0urs Eferything Hxve Ie Ylurs Hxave Ies Ylours Evferything Haxve Ise Yolurs Eveerything Havve Ix Yiurs
Evrything Hae Ixs Yiours Evreything Haev Isx Yoiurs Evsrything Habe Ia Youurs Evserything Habve Ias Yors Evesrything Havbe Isa Yorus
Ev3rything Hace Yohrs Ev3erything Hacve Yohurs Eve3rything Havce Youhrs Evfrything Hage Yo7rs Hagve Yo7urs
Evefrything Havge You7rs Evrrything Hafe Yokrs Evrerything Hafve Everrything Havfe Youkrs Ev4rything Havee Yoirs
Ev4erything Hav Eve4rything Have Youirs Evdrything Havs Yo8rs Evderything Havse Yo8urs Evedrything Haves You8rs
Evwrything Hav3 Yojrs Evwerything Hav3e Yojurs Evewrything Have3 Youjrs Havf Yoyrs Eveything Yoyurs
Eveyrthing Havef Youyrs Evedything Havr Yourrs Havre Yous Everdything Haver Yousr Eve4ything Hav4 Youds
Hav4e Youdrs Ever4ything Have4 Yourds Evegything Havd You4s Evegrything Havde You4rs Evergything Haved Your4s
Evetything Havw Yougs Evetrything Havwe Yougrs Evertything Havew Yourgs Eve5ything Youts Eve5rything Youtrs
Ever5ything Yourts Evefything You5s You5rs Everfything Your5s Eveeything Youfs
Youfrs Evereything Yourfs Everyything Youes Everthing Youers Evertyhing Youres
Evergthing Yourss Your Everygthing Yours Everhthing Yourz Everhything Yourzs
Everyhthing Yoursz Ever6thing Yourw

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