
time's a teacher yesterday
you know I had nothing but time
why'd you have to go away
I never got to tell you goodbye
and time beats up on me
life is funny, life is strange
you know I'm just trying to get by
money, honey, buys you things
it can't buy a place in the sky
and time beats up on you
another year disappeared
where did it go?
people ask me
what's the time
I really don't know
I really don't know
I really don't
I really don't know
and time beats up on you
and time beats up on you
time beats up on
time beats up on
time beats up on
time beats up on
time beats up on me
beats up on you
beats up on you

Mirror lyrics:

beats up on you
beats up on you
time beats up on me
time beats up on
time beats up on
time beats up on
time beats up on
and time beats up on you
and time beats up on you
I really don't know
I really don't
I really don't know
I really don't know
what's the time
people ask me
where did it go?
another year disappeared
and time beats up on you
it can't buy a place in the sky
money, honey, buys you things
you know I'm just trying to get by
life is funny, life is strange
and time beats up on me
I never got to tell you goodbye
why'd you have to go away
you know I had nothing but time
time's a teacher yesterday

Relevant Tags:
TTime ime iTme fime fTime Tfime 5ime 5Time T5ime hime hTime
Thime yime yTime Tyime 6ime 6Time T6ime gime gTime Tgime rime
rTime Trime Tiime Tme Tmie Tjme Tjime Tijme T9me T9ime Ti9me
Tlme Tlime Tilme Tome Toime Tiome Tkme Tkime

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