Everything But The Girl
Goodbye Sunday

Slowly runs the lazy river
And in it I pitched all my dreams
And all the things I ever wanted
And watched them heading slowly downstream
For I have learned that such things fade
Like photographs and family holidays
And every Monday is Goodbye Sunday

I guess you'd like me to throw away
That box of diaries and old letters
For they do nothing
But feed my memory
But really you should know me better
For I am too fond of the past
But I think I am learning at last
That every Monday is Goodbye Sunday

Yes it's true that I cling to things
That I should leave behind
As if those were the goldens days
Well, I just hope that you really don't mind

Slowly runs the lazy river
Every Monday is Goodbye Sunday etc etc

Mirror lyrics:

Every Monday is Goodbye Sunday etc etc
Slowly runs the lazy river

Well, I just hope that you really don't mind
As if those were the goldens days
That I should leave behind
Yes it's true that I cling to things

That every Monday is Goodbye Sunday
But I think I am learning at last
For I am too fond of the past
But really you should know me better
But feed my memory
For they do nothing
That box of diaries and old letters
I guess you'd like me to throw away

And every Monday is Goodbye Sunday
Like photographs and family holidays
For I have learned that such things fade
And watched them heading slowly downstream
And all the things I ever wanted
And in it I pitched all my dreams
Slowly runs the lazy river

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye SSunday oodbye unday oGodbye uSnday hoodbye zunday hGoodbye zSunday Ghoodbye Szunday yoodbye wunday yGoodbye wSunday
Gyoodbye Swunday boodbye dunday bGoodbye dSunday Gboodbye Sdunday voodbye eunday vGoodbye eSunday Gvoodbye Seunday foodbye xunday
fGoodbye xSunday Gfoodbye Sxunday toodbye aunday tGoodbye aSunday Gtoodbye Saunday Gooodbye Suunday Godbye Snday Goodbye Snuday
Gkodbye Shnday Gkoodbye Shunday Gokodbye Suhnday G9odbye S7nday G9oodbye S7unday Go9odbye Su7nday G0odbye Sknday G0oodbye Skunday
Go0odbye Suknday Glodbye Sinday Gloodbye Siunday Golodbye Suinday Giodbye S8nday Gioodbye S8unday Goiodbye Su8nday Sjnday
Sjunday Godobye Sujnday Gokdbye Synday Syunday Gookdbye Suynday Go9dbye Sunnday Suday Goo9dbye Sudnay
Go0dbye Sumday Sumnday Goo0dbye Sunmday Goldbye Suhday Gooldbye Sunhday Goidbye Sujday Gooidbye Sunjday Gooddbye Subday
Goobye Subnday Goobdye Sunbday Gooxbye Sundday Gooxdbye Sunay Goodxbye Sunady Gooebye Sunxay Gooedbye Sunxday Goodebye Sundxay

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