
Thoughts are moving slow

In constant fatal flow

In this labyrinth I'm in

On a sheet of ice too thin

No words for what I feel

I cannot describe

Why can no one understand this

I climbed the ladder stair by stair

I hoped that I would get somewhere

I found that movement is my way

To stop the world from turning grey

But now I reached a wall

It stands there high and tall

Once built for my protection

Now it stands right in my way

Courage is the spark, hope is the drive

Our passion, our hunger

Our aims let us strive

But my rose-coloured windows

Broke long ago

And the clear look that's left

Makes my tears sometimes flow

For some wounds we have

Only time knows the cure

There is nothing worse that we can do

Nothing worse for me and you

Than boxing shadows with our memories

Boxing shadows with our past

Never look back

Those walls we have inside

Those walls we built on pride

Every day they are growing higher

And cut the sunlight from our eyes

This is just another lesson

We must learn

Courage is the spark, hope is the drive

Our passion, our hunger

Our aims let us strive

But my rose-coloured windows

Broke long ago

And the clear look that's left

Makes my tears sometimes flow

For some wounds we have

Only time knows the cure

A step you dare

On unknown land

The common touch

Of a helping hand

A light that shines

Right through the mist

Or the desperate power

Of a clenching fist

Go on, when the whole world around you

Is falling to pieces

There is still something left

To hold on to

Mirror lyrics:

To hold on to

There is still something left

Is falling to pieces

Go on, when the whole world around you

Of a clenching fist

Or the desperate power

Right through the mist

A light that shines

Of a helping hand

The common touch

On unknown land

A step you dare

Only time knows the cure

For some wounds we have

Makes my tears sometimes flow

And the clear look that's left

Broke long ago

But my rose-coloured windows

Our aims let us strive

Our passion, our hunger

Courage is the spark, hope is the drive

We must learn

This is just another lesson

And cut the sunlight from our eyes

Every day they are growing higher

Those walls we built on pride

Those walls we have inside

Never look back

Boxing shadows with our past

Than boxing shadows with our memories

Nothing worse for me and you

There is nothing worse that we can do

Only time knows the cure

For some wounds we have

Makes my tears sometimes flow

And the clear look that's left

Broke long ago

But my rose-coloured windows

Our aims let us strive

Our passion, our hunger

Courage is the spark, hope is the drive

Now it stands right in my way

Once built for my protection

It stands there high and tall

But now I reached a wall

To stop the world from turning grey

I found that movement is my way

I hoped that I would get somewhere

I climbed the ladder stair by stair

Why can no one understand this

I cannot describe

No words for what I feel

On a sheet of ice too thin

In this labyrinth I'm in

In constant fatal flow

Thoughts are moving slow

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