
Here in this night

In the darkest of hours

I feel a cold wind that tells

Of a storm front drawing near

It speaks of greed and of hunger

Of envy and dread

Tells of the anger and hate

That arose from the fear

Who said life's easy

Who said life's fair

Who said good luck will be with those who dare

To follow their heart, and not follow their fear

And if the good all die young

Then who are all those still here

Take a look around you

See what you've got

You just see what you don't have

And of that you still have a lot

The sky is the limit

The sky's not enough

The tough keep going

Not only when the going gets rough

It seems we all

Don't worry much

About what is happening

Left and right of us

But even if I try my hardest

Not to care

One question remains

And I'd like to hear your answer

Acting on target

At robotic speed

Recklessly feeding

Your robotic needs

No minute wasted

Emotions refused

Your brain's exploited

Your heart remains unused

It seems we all...

Name your price

How much is it to buy your loyalty

I'll do so, if I can afford

Name your price

How much do you charge to show remorse

To throw your indifference overboard

Won't you once

Think just a little while about

What you will leave behind

When you decease

Won't you once

Just once be good for something

Good for someone

Good for yourself at least

Here in this night

In the darkest of hours

I feel a cold wind that tells

Of a storm front drawing near

It speaks of greed and of hunger

Of envy and dread

Tells of the anger and hate

That arose from the fear

Who said life's easy

And who said life's fair

Who said good luck will be with those who dare

To follow their heart not their fear

And if it's hope that dies last

Why do all us hopeless still live

Brother kills sister

Father kills son

Religion kills reason

Reason becomes undone

The end always

Justifies the means

Just running a program

Rooted deeply in our genes

It seems we all...

Name your price...

I have no faith

In a God above

But if I had

Then this would be my prayer:

Oh Seven Seas

Raise all your waves

And take this Flesh back home

Mirror lyrics:

And take this Flesh back home

Raise all your waves

Oh Seven Seas

Then this would be my prayer:

But if I had

In a God above

I have no faith

Name your price...

It seems we all...

Rooted deeply in our genes

Just running a program

Justifies the means

The end always

Reason becomes undone

Religion kills reason

Father kills son

Brother kills sister

Why do all us hopeless still live

And if it's hope that dies last

To follow their heart not their fear

Who said good luck will be with those who dare

And who said life's fair

Who said life's easy

That arose from the fear

Tells of the anger and hate

Of envy and dread

It speaks of greed and of hunger

Of a storm front drawing near

I feel a cold wind that tells

In the darkest of hours

Here in this night

Good for yourself at least

Good for someone

Just once be good for something

Won't you once

When you decease

What you will leave behind

Think just a little while about

Won't you once

To throw your indifference overboard

How much do you charge to show remorse

Name your price

I'll do so, if I can afford

How much is it to buy your loyalty

Name your price

It seems we all...

Your heart remains unused

Your brain's exploited

Emotions refused

No minute wasted

Your robotic needs

Recklessly feeding

At robotic speed

Acting on target

And I'd like to hear your answer

One question remains

Not to care

But even if I try my hardest

Left and right of us

About what is happening

Don't worry much

It seems we all

Not only when the going gets rough

The tough keep going

The sky's not enough

The sky is the limit

And of that you still have a lot

You just see what you don't have

See what you've got

Take a look around you

Then who are all those still here

And if the good all die young

To follow their heart, and not follow their fear

Who said good luck will be with those who dare

Who said life's fair

Who said life's easy

That arose from the fear

Tells of the anger and hate

Of envy and dread

It speaks of greed and of hunger

Of a storm front drawing near

I feel a cold wind that tells

In the darkest of hours

Here in this night

Relevant Tags:
FFlesh lesh lFesh clesh cFlesh Fclesh rlesh rFlesh Frlesh glesh gFlesh
Fglesh tlesh tFlesh Ftlesh vlesh vFlesh Fvlesh dlesh dFlesh Fdlesh Fllesh
Fesh Felsh Fkesh Fklesh Flkesh Foesh Folesh Floesh Fpesh Fplesh Flpesh
Fleesh Flsh Flseh Flssh Flsesh Flessh Fl3sh Fl3esh Fle3sh Flfsh Flfesh
Flefsh Flrsh Flresh Flersh

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