A Day By The Sea

I went down to the sea

Alone on that stormy day

Hoped the wind and the rain

Might wash my pain away

So I took that ring

And I threw it out on the sea

The ring just sank down

But the pain still was there with me

Picking up the pieces of my life

When I look back it still cuts like a knife

To see us both give up so easily

And much too soon

Did you really think it was too late

The only thing you should have done was to have some faith

In me when I needed it the most

But you never did

We have only two hands

So we can't hold too much at once

And for some things in life

We just get one single chance

As long as it's good

We wish it may never stop

But to pick up something new

There's always one thing we have to drop

Those mistakes we made

May help us to make amends

But it is so hard to see things like that

While you stand there with empty hands

But I know one day love

Is going to come back on silent wings

Now that we know what we have lost

Let's see what tomorrow brings

Mirror lyrics:

Let's see what tomorrow brings

Now that we know what we have lost

Is going to come back on silent wings

But I know one day love

While you stand there with empty hands

But it is so hard to see things like that

May help us to make amends

Those mistakes we made

There's always one thing we have to drop

But to pick up something new

We wish it may never stop

As long as it's good

We just get one single chance

And for some things in life

So we can't hold too much at once

We have only two hands

But you never did

In me when I needed it the most

The only thing you should have done was to have some faith

Did you really think it was too late

And much too soon

To see us both give up so easily

When I look back it still cuts like a knife

Picking up the pieces of my life

But the pain still was there with me

The ring just sank down

And I threw it out on the sea

So I took that ring

Might wash my pain away

Hoped the wind and the rain

Alone on that stormy day

I went down to the sea

Relevant Tags:
AA DDay BBy TThe SSea ay y he ea A aDy yB hTe eSa z xay vy fhe zea zA xDay vBy fThe zSea Az Dxay Bvy Tfhe Szea q eay gy 5he wea
qA eDay gBy 5The wSea Aq Deay Bgy T5he Swea s fay ny hhe dea sA fDay nBy hThe dSea As Dfay Bny Thhe Sdea w ray hy yhe eea wA rDay hBy yThe eSea
Aw Dray Bhy Tyhe Seea x cay Byy 6he xea xA cDay B 6The xSea Ax Dcay By T6he Sxea say Bg ghe aea sDay gThe aSea Dsay Byg Tghe Saea
Daay Bh rhe Dy rThe Sa Dya Byh Trhe Sae Dzy B6 Ssa Dzay B6y Te Ssea Dazy By6 Teh Sesa Dqy Bu Tje S3a
Dqay Buy Tjhe S3ea Daqy Byu Thje Se3a Dsy B7 Tue Sfa B7y Tuhe Sfea Dasy By7 Thue Sefa

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