Ez Special
Still Need You

Kisses, that once were so sweet,
Have come to a bitter end.
Everything once complete,
Far too broken to mend...

It's not logical,
The feelings that I have for you...
They burn inside!

So much loneliness,
Cause you're not here by my side!

All the pleasure turns to pain.
Tender touches, turn to tears...
No, I'll never let this happen again!

It's not logical,
The feelings that I have for you...
They burn inside!

So much loneliness,
‘ Cause you're not here by my side!

I still want you tonight!
I still need you tonight!
I still love you tonight!

Mirror lyrics:

I still love you tonight!
I still need you tonight!
I still want you tonight!

‘ Cause you're not here by my side!
So much loneliness,

They burn inside!
The feelings that I have for you...
It's not logical,

No, I'll never let this happen again!
Tender touches, turn to tears...
All the pleasure turns to pain.

Cause you're not here by my side!
So much loneliness,

They burn inside!
The feelings that I have for you...
It's not logical,

Far too broken to mend...
Everything once complete,
Have come to a bitter end.
Kisses, that once were so sweet,

Relevant Tags:
SStill NNeed YYou till eed ou tSill eNed oYu ztill meed gou zStill mNeed gYou Sztill Nmeed Ygou wtill heed hou wStill hNeed hYou
Swtill Nheed Yhou dtill jeed 6ou dStill jNeed 6You Sdtill Njeed Y6ou etill beed uou eStill bNeed uYou Setill Nbeed Yuou xtill Neeed 7ou
xStill Ned 7You Sxtill Need Y7ou atill Nsed jou aStill Nseed jYou Satill Nesed Yjou Sttill N3ed tou Sill N3eed tYou Sitll Ne3ed Ytou
Sfill Nfed Yoou Sftill Nfeed Yu Stfill Nefed Yuo S5ill Nred Yku S5till Nreed Ykou St5ill Nered Yoku Shill N4ed Y9u Shtill N4eed Y9ou
Sthill Ne4ed Yo9u Syill Nded Y0u Sytill Ndeed Y0ou Styill Neded Yo0u S6ill Nwed Ylu S6till Nweed Ylou St6ill Newed Yolu Sgill Yiu
Sgtill Yiou Stgill Nede Yoiu

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