Ez Special
Dancing (under The Moon)

I can't forget when we kissed for the first time,
We were young,
Wild and crazy...
We stopped the car by the beach,
Opened the doors and turned on the radio.

We were dancing under the moon,
I knew you would be mine.

And since 1996,
We've been hearing our song,
Like the first time...

Let's go dancing,
Dance all night, you and me...

Every year,
Same day and place,
We park the car by the beach,
Like the first time...
Turn on the radio and sing along...

Then we look to each other,
Talk about the old times,
It's been our ritual.

Since the spring of 1996,
I believed that meeting you was some kind of miracle...

Let's go dancing,
Dance all night, you and me...

It's time to hear our song again
Because we're gonna dance, dance, dance,
Let's make it last forever... Forever!

Mirror lyrics:

Let's make it last forever... Forever!
Because we're gonna dance, dance, dance,
It's time to hear our song again

Dance all night, you and me...
Let's go dancing,

I believed that meeting you was some kind of miracle...
Since the spring of 1996,

It's been our ritual.
Talk about the old times,
Then we look to each other,

Turn on the radio and sing along...
Like the first time...
We park the car by the beach,
Same day and place,
Every year,

Dance all night, you and me...
Let's go dancing,

Like the first time...
We've been hearing our song,
And since 1996,

I knew you would be mine.
We were dancing under the moon,

Opened the doors and turned on the radio.
We stopped the car by the beach,
Wild and crazy...
We were young,
I can't forget when we kissed for the first time,

Relevant Tags:
DDancing ((under TThe MMoon) ancing under he oon) aDncing u(nder hTe oMon) xancing (uunder fhe joon) xDancing (nder fThe jMoon) Dxancing (nuder Tfhe Mjoon)
eancing (hnder 5he koon) eDancing (hunder 5The kMoon) Deancing (uhnder T5he Mkoon) fancing (7nder hhe noon) fDancing (7under hThe nMoon) Dfancing (u7nder Thhe Mnoon)
rancing (knder yhe Mooon) rDancing (kunder yThe Mon) Drancing (uknder Tyhe Moon) cancing (inder 6he Mkon) cDancing (iunder 6The Dcancing (uinder T6he Mokon)
sancing (8nder ghe M9on) sDancing (8under gThe M9oon) Dsancing (u8nder Tghe Mo9on) Daancing (jnder rhe M0on) Dncing (junder rThe M0oon) Dnacing (ujnder Trhe Mo0on)
Dzncing (ynder Mlon) Dzancing (yunder Te Mloon) Dazncing (uynder Teh Molon) Dqncing (unnder Tje Mion) Dqancing (uder Tjhe Mioon) Daqncing (udner Thje Moion)
Dsncing (umder Tue (umnder Tuhe Dasncing (unmder Thue Mono) Dwncing (uhder Tne Mokn) Dwancing Tnhe Dawncing (unhder Thne Mookn)
Dxncing (ujder Tbe Mo9n) Tbhe Daxncing (unjder Thbe Moo9n) Danncing (ubder Tge Mo0n) Dacing (ubnder Dacning (unbder Thge Moo0n)
Damcing (undder Tye Moln) Damncing (uner Danmcing (unedr Thye Mooln) Dahcing (unxer Thee Moin) Dahncing (unxder Th Danhcing (undxer The Mooin)
Dajcing (uneer Ths Moonn) Dajncing (uneder Thse Moo) Danjcing (undeer Thes Moo)n Dabcing (unfer Th3 Moom) Dabncing (unfder Th3e Moomn) Danbcing (undfer The3 Moonm)
Danccing (unrer Thf Mooh) Daning (unrder Thfe Moohn) Danicng (undrer Thef Moonh) Danfing (uncer Thr Mooj) Danfcing (uncder Thre Moojn) Dancfing (undcer Ther Moonj)
Danxing (unser Th4 Moob) Danxcing (unsder Th4e Moobn)

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