Packie Rest In Peace

rest in peace ayfer its ure moment
you fufil the 5 hearts of element
your life were written on gods document
so we all play a gospel instrument
for ure soul we have built an monument
this life down here is just an argument
this is just feelings and statements
Staring at the walls in this room
Knowing that you left the world far to soon
staring at the sky behind the cloud every afternoon
there can ure friends find you by loooking at the moon
Hey, who wakes the world
When there's no one that will hear
Who makes the clouds in our heads disappear
so i say rest in peace with the angels, we share a tear

Mirror lyrics:

so i say rest in peace with the angels, we share a tear
Who makes the clouds in our heads disappear
When there's no one that will hear
Hey, who wakes the world
there can ure friends find you by loooking at the moon
staring at the sky behind the cloud every afternoon
Knowing that you left the world far to soon
Staring at the walls in this room
this is just feelings and statements
this life down here is just an argument
for ure soul we have built an monument
so we all play a gospel instrument
your life were written on gods document
you fufil the 5 hearts of element
rest in peace ayfer its ure moment

Relevant Tags:
PPackie RRest IIn PPeace ackie est n eace aPckie eRst nI ePace 0ackie dest jn 0eace 0Packie dRest jIn 0Peace P0ackie Rdest Ijn P0eace
lackie 4est 9n leace lPackie 4Rest 9In lPeace Plackie R4est I9n Pleace oackie gest ln oeace oPackie gRest lIn oPeace Poackie Rgest Iln Poeace
Paackie test on Peeace Pckie tRest oIn Pace Pcakie Rtest Ion Paece Pzckie 5est kn Psace Pzackie 5Rest kIn Pseace Pazckie R5est Ikn Pesace
Pqckie fest 8n P3ace Pqackie fRest 8In P3eace Paqckie Rfest I8n Pe3ace Psckie eest un Pface Psackie eRest uIn Pfeace Pasckie Reest Iun Peface
Pwckie Inn Prace Pwackie Rst I Preace Pawckie Rset In Perace Pxckie Rsst Im P4ace Pxackie Rsest Imn P4eace Paxckie Resst Inm Pe4ace
Pacckie R3st Ih Pdace Pakie R3est Ihn Pdeace Pakcie Re3st Inh Pedace Pafkie Rfst Ij Pwace Pafckie Pweace Pacfkie Refst Inj Pewace
Paxkie Rrst Ib Peaace Rrest Ibn Pece Pacxkie Rerst Inb Pecae Pavkie R4st Pezce Pavckie Pezace Pacvkie Re4st Peazce
Padkie Rdst Peqce Padckie Peqace Pacdkie Redst Peaqce Packkie Rwst Pesce Pacie Rwest Pacike Rewst Peasce
Paclie Pewce Paclkie Ret Packlie Rets Peawce Pacoie Rezt Pexce Pacokie Rezst Pexace

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