It Doesn't Have To Be

"You are on one side
And I am on the other
Are we divided?

You are on one side
I am on the other
Are we divided?
Why can't we live together?

There are no rights
This isn't your decision
We need to talk of changing things
But no one wants to listen

It doesn't have to be like that
It doesn't have to be like that
It doesn't have to be like that

A heart on the inside
The same as any other
Are we divided?
Someone always has to suffer

We are broken
There's no one left to change it
Is that the way it has to be?
Why can't we rearrange it?

It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that

Alava mo ja na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago
Zimbabwe ado naga na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago
Alava mo ja na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago
Zimbabwe ado naga na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago

What is the secret
In calling me a brother?
Are we divided?
Always one against the other

We are strong now
Put down the ammunition
For what we know is right
Is gonna breakdown this division

It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that

You are one side
And I am on the other
Are we divided?

Mirror lyrics:

Are we divided?
And I am on the other
You are one side

It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that

Is gonna breakdown this division
For what we know is right
Put down the ammunition
We are strong now

Always one against the other
Are we divided?
In calling me a brother?
What is the secret

Limbaniango limbaniago
Zimbabwe ado naga na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago
Alava mo ja na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago
Zimbabwe ado naga na me me
Limbaniango limbaniago
Alava mo ja na me me

It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that
(One against one)
It doesn't have to be like that

Why can't we rearrange it?
Is that the way it has to be?
There's no one left to change it
We are broken

Someone always has to suffer
Are we divided?
The same as any other
A heart on the inside

It doesn't have to be like that
It doesn't have to be like that
It doesn't have to be like that

But no one wants to listen
We need to talk of changing things
This isn't your decision
There are no rights

Why can't we live together?
Are we divided?
I am on the other
You are on one side

Are we divided?
And I am on the other
"You are on one side

Relevant Tags:
IIt DDoesn't HHave TTo BBe t oesn't ave o e tI oDesn't aHve oT eB jt xoesn't jave fo ve jIt xDoesn't jHave fTo vBe Ijt Dxoesn't Hjave Tfo Bve
9t eoesn't uave 5o ge 9It eDoesn't uHave 5To gBe I9t Deoesn't Huave T5o Bge lt foesn't nave ho ne lIt fDoesn't nHave hTo nBe Ilt Dfoesn't Hnave Tho Bne
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8t soesn't yave go Bs 8It sDoesn't yHave gTo Bse I8t Dsoesn't Hyave Tgo Bes ut Dooesn't Haave ro B3 uIt Desn't Hve rTo B3e Iut Deosn't Hvae Tro Be3
Itt Dkesn't Hzve Too Bf I Dkoesn't Hzave T Bfe It Dokesn't Hazve To Bef If D9esn't Hqve Tk Br Ift D9oesn't Hqave Tko Bre Itf Do9esn't Haqve Tok Ber
I5 D0esn't Hsve T9 B4 I5t D0oesn't Hsave T9o B4e It5 Do0esn't Hasve To9 Be4 Ih Dlesn't Hwve T0 Bd Iht Dloesn't Hwave T0o Bde Ith Dolesn't Hawve To0 Bed
Iy Diesn't Hxve Tl Bw Iyt Dioesn't Hxave Tlo Bwe Ity Doiesn't Haxve Tol Bew I6 Doeesn't Havve Ti I6t Dosn't Hae Tio It6 Dosen't Haev Toi
Ig Dossn't Habe Igt Dosesn't Habve Itg Doessn't Havbe Ir Do3sn't Hace Irt Do3esn't Hacve Itr Doe3sn't Havce
Dofsn't Hage Dofesn't Hagve Doefsn't Havge Dorsn't Hafe Doresn't Hafve Doersn't Havfe
Do4sn't Havee Do4esn't Hav Doe4sn't Have Dodsn't Havs Dodesn't Havse Doedsn't Haves
Dowsn't Hav3

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