Faber Drive
You'll Make It

There's parents praying
To feed their families today
While men with money
Still think it's funny
To spend their change
On every pointless thing

We gotta stand up
Put our hands up and fight
Like an army
We'll keep on marching
For what is right
We're bringing hope to life
All you gotta do is..

Say what you wanna say
And be what you wanna be
Don't let yourself get all confused
'Cause all you gotta be is you to make it
You'll make it

You know what you need to know
To go where you wanna go
No one can tell you what to do
'Cause it's your life, it's up to you to make it
You'll make it

The world is tired
Of all the little lies they preach
The politicians
Who blur our vision
So we believe
In someone else's speech

We gotta stand up
Put our hands up and fight
We are an army
Always marching
For what is right
We're bringing hope to life
All you gotta do is..

Say what you wanna say
And be what you wanna be
Don't let yourself get all confused
'Cause all you gotta be is you to make it
You'll make it

You know what you need to know
To go where you wanna go
No one can tell you what to do
'Cause it's your life, it's up to you to make it
You'll make it

There's kids with guns being forced to fight
The lucky ones will make it home alive
And everyone's got a choice to make
The world won't change until we finally find a way

To say what we wanna say
And be what we need to be
Don't let yourself get all confused
'Cause all you gotta be is you to make it
You'll make it

You know what you need to know
To go where you wanna go
No one can tell you what to do
'Cause it's your life, it's up to you to make it
You'll make it

We gotta stand up
Put our hands up to fight
We are an army
Always marching
For what is right
We're bringing hope to life

Mirror lyrics:

We're bringing hope to life
For what is right
Always marching
We are an army
Put our hands up to fight
We gotta stand up

You'll make it
'Cause it's your life, it's up to you to make it
No one can tell you what to do
To go where you wanna go
You know what you need to know

You'll make it
'Cause all you gotta be is you to make it
Don't let yourself get all confused
And be what we need to be
To say what we wanna say

The world won't change until we finally find a way
And everyone's got a choice to make
The lucky ones will make it home alive
There's kids with guns being forced to fight

You'll make it
'Cause it's your life, it's up to you to make it
No one can tell you what to do
To go where you wanna go
You know what you need to know

You'll make it
'Cause all you gotta be is you to make it
Don't let yourself get all confused
And be what you wanna be
Say what you wanna say

All you gotta do is..
We're bringing hope to life
For what is right
Always marching
We are an army
Put our hands up and fight
We gotta stand up

In someone else's speech
So we believe
Who blur our vision
The politicians
Of all the little lies they preach
The world is tired

You'll make it
'Cause it's your life, it's up to you to make it
No one can tell you what to do
To go where you wanna go
You know what you need to know

You'll make it
'Cause all you gotta be is you to make it
Don't let yourself get all confused
And be what you wanna be
Say what you wanna say

All you gotta do is..
We're bringing hope to life
For what is right
We'll keep on marching
Like an army
Put our hands up and fight
We gotta stand up

On every pointless thing
To spend their change
Still think it's funny
While men with money
To feed their families today
There's parents praying

Relevant Tags:
YYou'll MMake IIt ou'll ake t oYu'll aMke tI gou'll jake jt gYou'll jMake jIt Ygou'll Mjake Ijt hou'll kake 9t hYou'll kMake 9It
Yhou'll Mkake I9t 6ou'll nake lt 6You'll nMake lIt Y6ou'll Mnake Ilt uou'll Maake ot uYou'll Mke oIt Yuou'll Mkae Iot 7ou'll Mzke kt
7You'll Mzake kIt Y7ou'll Mazke Ikt jou'll Mqke 8t jYou'll Mqake 8It Yjou'll Maqke I8t tou'll Mske ut tYou'll Msake uIt Ytou'll Maske Iut
Yoou'll Mwke Itt Yu'll Mwake I Yuo'll Mawke It Yku'll Mxke If Ykou'll Mxake Ift Yoku'll Maxke Itf Y9u'll Makke I5 Y9ou'll Mae I5t
Yo9u'll Maek It5 Y0u'll Male Ih Y0ou'll Malke Iht Yo0u'll Makle Ith Ylu'll Maoe Iy Ylou'll Maoke Iyt Yolu'll Makoe Ity Yiu'll Mame I6
Yiou'll Mamke I6t Yoiu'll Makme It6 Youu'll Maje Ig

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