Not Time For Revolution

No Time
No time for revolution
No time for revolution
Elutions for dath romance could breakup the bugs
You go on makin' sense
Back in the sixties: they standed there
"Fight, fight for the dreams, fight for the right"
In the seventies: follow, follow to go over to the place
So went to San Francisco, somewhere far out the space
In the eighties: I don't know, some did it for the money,
some did it for the showThere's no time

No time to remember these days
No time to hold back in that size
We don't have no time, no time, no time ...
No time for revolution (4 times)In the nineties: there's
a soul called those generation
for who is in charge for this situation and this station
about politicians, no embitions - tell me what's the vision
To be a winner, is never ever mather of how,
political correctness is the word of now
The spirit of the money is the sound of the time
There's something coming up to change your mindThere's no time ...

Mirror lyrics:

There's something coming up to change your mindThere's no time ...
The spirit of the money is the sound of the time
political correctness is the word of now
To be a winner, is never ever mather of how,
about politicians, no embitions - tell me what's the vision
for who is in charge for this situation and this station
a soul called those generation
No time for revolution (4 times)In the nineties: there's
We don't have no time, no time, no time ...
No time to hold back in that size
No time to remember these days

some did it for the showThere's no time
In the eighties: I don't know, some did it for the money,
So went to San Francisco, somewhere far out the space
In the seventies: follow, follow to go over to the place
"Fight, fight for the dreams, fight for the right"
Back in the sixties: they standed there
You go on makin' sense
Elutions for dath romance could breakup the bugs
No time for revolution
No time for revolution
No Time

Relevant Tags:
NNot TTime FFor RRevolution ot ime or evolution oNt iTme oFr eRvolution mot fime cor devolution mNot fTime cFor dRevolution Nmot Tfime Fcor Rdevolution
hot 5ime ror 4evolution hNot 5Time rFor 4Revolution Nhot T5ime Fror R4evolution jot hime gor gevolution jNot hTime gFor gRevolution Njot Thime Fgor Rgevolution
bot yime tor tevolution bNot yTime tFor tRevolution Nbot Tyime Ftor Rtevolution Noot 6ime vor 5evolution Nt 6Time vFor 5Revolution Nto T6ime Fvor R5evolution
Nkt gime dor fevolution Nkot gTime dFor fRevolution Nokt Tgime Fdor Rfevolution N9t rime Foor eevolution N9ot rTime Fr eRevolution No9t Trime Fro Reevolution
N0t Tiime Fkr N0ot Tme Fkor Rvolution No0t Tmie Fokr Rveolution Nlt Tjme F9r Rsvolution Nlot Tjime F9or Rsevolution Nolt Tijme Fo9r Resvolution
Nit T9me F0r R3volution Niot T9ime F0or R3evolution Noit Ti9me Fo0r Re3volution Nott Tlme Flr Rfvolution No Tlime Flor Not Tilme Folr Refvolution
Nof Tome Fir Rrvolution Noft Toime Fior Rrevolution Notf Tiome Foir Rervolution No5 Tkme Forr R4volution No5t Tkime Fo Not5 Tikme For Re4volution
Noh T8me Fod Rdvolution Noht T8ime Fodr Noth Ti8me Ford Redvolution Noy Tume Fo4 Rwvolution Noyt Tuime Fo4r Rwevolution Noty Tiume For4 Rewvolution
No6 Timme Fog Revvolution No6t Tie Fogr Reolution Not6 Tiem Forg Reovlution Nog Tije Fot Rebolution Nogt Fotr Rebvolution Notg Timje Fort Revbolution
Nor Tike Fo5 Recolution Nort Fo5r Recvolution Notr Timke For5 Revcolution Tine Fof Regolution Tinme Fofr Regvolution Timne Forf Revgolution
Timee Foe Refolution Tim Foer Time Fore Revfolution Tims Revoolution Timse Revlution Times Revloution
Tim3 Revklution Tim3e Revkolution Time3 Revoklution Timf Rev9lution Timfe Rev9olution Timef Revo9lution
Timr Rev0lution Timre Rev0olution Timer Revo0lution Tim4 Revllution Tim4e Revlolution Time4 Revollution
Timd Revilution Timde Reviolution Timed Revoilution Timw Timwe Revoution Timew Revoultion
Revokution Revolkution Revooution Revoloution Revopution

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