Fake Band
Time Only Goes Forward

Here i am thinking
maybe i'm not alone
maybe you are not either
there's so much to talk
there's so much that i've missed
but time only goes forward...
time only goes forward

Never it's to late
to say that i'm sorry
we wasted so much time
we wasted so many moments
and time only goes forward
time only goes forward...

Here i am now
and there you are
maybe we will never see each other
maybe we will never be the same
but there's just one thing
that time cannot change

you will always be my friend

Mirror lyrics:

you will always be my friend

that time cannot change
but there's just one thing
maybe we will never be the same
maybe we will never see each other
and there you are
Here i am now

time only goes forward...
and time only goes forward
we wasted so many moments
we wasted so much time
to say that i'm sorry
Never it's to late

time only goes forward
but time only goes forward...
there's so much that i've missed
there's so much to talk
maybe you are not either
maybe i'm not alone
Here i am thinking

Relevant Tags:
TTime OOnly GGoes FForward ime nly oes orward iTme nOly oGes oFrward fime knly hoes corward fTime kOnly hGoes cForward Tfime Oknly Ghoes Fcorward
5ime 9nly yoes rorward 5Time 9Only yGoes rForward T5ime O9nly Gyoes Frorward hime 0nly boes gorward hTime 0Only bGoes gForward Thime O0nly Gboes Fgorward
yime lnly voes torward yTime lOnly vGoes tForward Tyime Olnly Gvoes Ftorward 6ime inly foes vorward 6Time iOnly fGoes vForward T6ime Oinly Gfoes Fvorward
gime Onnly toes dorward gTime Oly tGoes dForward Tgime Olny Gtoes Fdorward rime Omly Gooes Foorward rTime Omnly Ges Frward Trime Onmly Geos Froward
Tiime Ohly Gkes Fkrward Tme Ohnly Gkoes Fkorward Tmie Onhly Gokes Fokrward Tjme Ojly G9es F9rward Tjime Ojnly G9oes F9orward Tijme Onjly Go9es Fo9rward
T9me Obly G0es F0rward T9ime Obnly G0oes F0orward Ti9me Onbly Go0es Fo0rward Tlme Onlly Gles Flrward Tlime Ony Gloes Florward Tilme Onyl Goles Folrward
Tome Onky Gies Firward Toime Onkly Gioes Fiorward Tiome Onlky Goies Foirward Tkme Onoy Goees Forrward Tkime Onoly Gos Foward Tikme Onloy Gose Fowrard
T8me Onpy Goss Fodward T8ime Onply Goses Fodrward Ti8me Onlpy Goess Fordward Tume Onlyy Go3s Fo4ward Tuime Onl Go3es Fo4rward Tiume Only Goe3s For4ward
Timme Onlg Gofs Fogward Tie Onlgy Gofes Fogrward Tiem Onlyg Goefs Forgward Tije Onlh Gors Fotward Onlhy Gores Fotrward Timje Onlyh Goers Fortward
Tike Onl6 Go4s Fo5ward Onl6y Go4es Fo5rward Timke Only6 Goe4s For5ward Tine Onlu Gods Fofward Tinme Onluy Godes Fofrward Timne Onlyu Goeds Forfward
Timee Onl7 Gows Foeward Tim Onl7y Gowes Foerward Time Only7 Goews Foreward Tims Onlj Forwward Timse Onljy Goe Forard Times Onlyj Goes Forawrd
Tim3 Onlt Goez Foraard Tim3e Onlty Goezs Foraward Time3 Onlyt Goesz Forwaard Timf Goew For3ard

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