Faith Hill
The Hard Way

I hear every word they say
They tell me to stay away
They say im better off without you baby
You've caused me nothin but pain
Heartaches your middle name
But it seems i never see it comin
I'll just admit it baby
You really drive me crazy
Let go of my heart
Cause every time your near me
I cant think cleary
Defences fall apart

I keep livin and lovin and learnin the hard way
You're the hardest lesson baby in my life
I keep livin and lovin and learnin the hard way
someday baby i will get it right

i never will understand
Why i let you think you can
Treat me any way you please baby
I guess i hope someday
You'll settle down and say
Give me all the love i need baby
Time and time ive found
You always let me down
Always ends the same way
You'd think that i could see
The way your treatin me
Won't ever change


If i could just hold on
If i could just be strong
My heart would see its wrong
Lovin you, lovin you

(Fade out)

Mirror lyrics:

(Fade out)

Lovin you, lovin you
My heart would see its wrong
If i could just be strong
If i could just hold on


Won't ever change
The way your treatin me
You'd think that i could see
Always ends the same way
You always let me down
Time and time ive found
Give me all the love i need baby
You'll settle down and say
I guess i hope someday
Treat me any way you please baby
Why i let you think you can
i never will understand

someday baby i will get it right
I keep livin and lovin and learnin the hard way
You're the hardest lesson baby in my life
I keep livin and lovin and learnin the hard way

Defences fall apart
I cant think cleary
Cause every time your near me
Let go of my heart
You really drive me crazy
I'll just admit it baby
But it seems i never see it comin
Heartaches your middle name
You've caused me nothin but pain
They say im better off without you baby
They tell me to stay away
I hear every word they say

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHard WWay he ard ay hTe aHrd aWy fhe jard aay fThe jHard aWay Tfhe Hjard Waay 5he uard 3ay 5The uHard 3Way T5he Huard W3ay
hhe nard day hThe nHard dWay Thhe Hnard Wday yhe bard eay yThe bHard eWay Tyhe Hbard Weay 6he gard say 6The gHard sWay T6he Hgard Wsay
ghe yard 2ay gThe yHard 2Way Tghe Hyard W2ay rhe Haard qay rThe Hrd qWay Trhe Hrad Wqay Hzrd Te Hzard Wy Teh Hazrd Wya
Tje Hqrd Wzy Tjhe Hqard Wzay Thje Haqrd Wazy Tue Hsrd Wqy Tuhe Hsard Thue Hasrd Waqy Tne Hwrd Wsy Tnhe Hward Thne Hawrd Wasy
Tbe Hxrd Wwy Tbhe Hxard Wway Thbe Haxrd Wawy Tge Harrd Wxy

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