Faith Hill
That's How Love Moves

It's such a mystery
How you found something in me
That I never knew was there
But you uncovered it so easily
You turned me like a season
And I began to change
You wrapped your arms around me
Now I'll never be the same

Thats how love works
Thats how love moves
Like a river running through you
Sometimes it lifts you high as heaven
It consumes you
That's a given
Thats how love moves

I've seen walls that could never be broken
Come tumbling down
I've heard the voice of a love calling
Without making a sound
See I was touched by an angel
The day you took my hand
You know that you're the miracle
That makes me everything I am


Mirror lyrics:


That makes me everything I am
You know that you're the miracle
The day you took my hand
See I was touched by an angel
Without making a sound
I've heard the voice of a love calling
Come tumbling down
I've seen walls that could never be broken

Thats how love moves
That's a given
It consumes you
Sometimes it lifts you high as heaven
Like a river running through you
Thats how love moves
Thats how love works

Now I'll never be the same
You wrapped your arms around me
And I began to change
You turned me like a season
But you uncovered it so easily
That I never knew was there
How you found something in me
It's such a mystery

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TThat's HHow LLove MMoves hat's ow ove oves hTat's oHw oLve oMves fhat's jow kove joves fThat's jHow kLove jMoves Tfhat's Hjow Lkove Mjoves
5hat's uow oove koves 5That's uHow oLove kMoves T5hat's Huow Loove Mkoves hhat's now pove noves hThat's nHow pLove nMoves Thhat's Hnow Lpove Mnoves
yhat's bow Mooves yThat's bHow Lve Mves Tyhat's Hbow Lvoe Mvoes 6hat's gow Lkve Mkves 6That's gHow T6hat's Hgow Lokve Mokves
ghat's yow L9ve M9ves gThat's yHow L9ove M9oves Tghat's Hyow Lo9ve Mo9ves rhat's Hoow L0ve M0ves rThat's Hw L0ove M0oves Trhat's Hwo Lo0ve Mo0ves
Hkw Llve Mlves Tat's Hkow Llove Mloves Taht's Hokw Lolve Molves Tjat's H9w Live Mives Tjhat's H9ow Liove Mioves Thjat's Ho9w Loive Moives
Tuat's H0w Lovve Movves Tuhat's H0ow Loe Moes Thuat's Ho0w Loev Moevs Tnat's Hlw Lobe Mobes Tnhat's Hlow Lobve Mobves Thnat's Holw Lovbe Movbes
Tbat's Hiw Loce Moces Tbhat's Hiow Locve Mocves Thbat's Hoiw Lovce Movces Tgat's Howw Loge Moges Ho Logve Mogves Thgat's How Lovge Movges
Tyat's Hoa Lofe Mofes Hoaw Lofve Mofves Thyat's Howa Lovfe Movfes Thaat's Ho3 Lovee Movees Tht's Ho3w Lov Movs Thta's How3 Love Movse
Thzt's Hod Lovs Movss Thzat's Hodw Lovse Movses Thazt's Howd Loves Movess Thqt's Hoe Lov3 Mov3s Thqat's Hoew Lov3e Mov3es Thaqt's Howe Love3 Move3s

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