Adrian (with Elvis Costello)

Adrian - don't you understand?
Fools like us are always dreaming.
And when you go to bed
And cover up your head
It's better if you try to stop remembering.
And the world is slowly dawning
To wake up to a new clear morning.
Some of them just half your age
Get written off, page by page...

Adrian don't you understand?
Fools like us are always dreaming.
And when you go to bed
And cover up your head
It's better if you try to stop remembering.
Some of them just half your age
Get written off page by page...

And the world is softly sleeping
While your fears are in their keeping.
All the planet's making haste
To blow to bits in outer space...
Adrian - don't you understand?

Mirror lyrics:

Adrian - don't you understand?
To blow to bits in outer space...
All the planet's making haste
While your fears are in their keeping.
And the world is softly sleeping

Get written off page by page...
Some of them just half your age
It's better if you try to stop remembering.
And cover up your head
And when you go to bed
Fools like us are always dreaming.
Adrian don't you understand?

Get written off, page by page...
Some of them just half your age
To wake up to a new clear morning.
And the world is slowly dawning
It's better if you try to stop remembering.
And cover up your head
And when you go to bed
Fools like us are always dreaming.
Adrian - don't you understand?

Relevant Tags:
AAdrian ((with EElvis CCostello) drian with lvis ostello) dArian w(ith lEvis oCstello) zdrian (wwith slvis fostello) zAdrian (ith sElvis fCostello)
Azdrian (iwth Eslvis Cfostello) qdrian (aith 3lvis xostello) qAdrian (awith 3Elvis xCostello) Aqdrian (waith E3lvis Cxostello) sdrian (3ith flvis vostello)
sAdrian (3with fElvis vCostello) Asdrian (w3ith Eflvis Cvostello) wdrian (dith rlvis dostello) wAdrian (dwith rElvis dCostello) Awdrian (wdith Erlvis Cdostello)
xdrian (eith 4lvis Coostello) xAdrian (ewith 4Elvis Cstello) Axdrian (weith E4lvis Csotello) Addrian (sith dlvis Ckstello) Arian (swith dElvis Ckostello)
Ardian (wsith Edlvis Cokstello) Axrian (2ith wlvis C9stello) (2with wElvis C9ostello) Adxrian (w2ith Ewlvis Co9stello) Aerian (qith Ellvis C0stello)
Aedrian (qwith Evis C0ostello) Aderian (wqith Evlis Co0stello) Afrian (wiith Ekvis Clstello) Afdrian (wth Eklvis Clostello) Adfrian (wtih Elkvis Colstello)
Arrian (wjth Eovis Cistello) Ardrian (wjith Eolvis Ciostello) Adrrian (wijth Elovis Coistello) Acrian (w9th Epvis Cosstello) Acdrian (w9ith Eplvis Cotello)
Adcrian (wi9th Elpvis Cotsello) Asrian (wlth Elvvis Coztello) (wlith Elis Cozstello) Adsrian (wilth Elivs Cosztello) (woth Elbis Cowtello)
Adian (woith Elbvis Cowstello) Adiran (wioth Elvbis Coswtello) Addian (wkth Elcis Codtello) (wkith Elcvis Codstello) Adrdian (wikth Elvcis Cosdtello)
Ad4ian (w8th Elgis Coetello) Ad4rian (w8ith Elgvis Coestello) Adr4ian (wi8th Elvgis Cosetello) Adgian (wuth Elfis Coxtello) Adgrian (wuith Elfvis Coxstello)
Adrgian (wiuth Elvfis Cosxtello) Adtian (witth Elviis Coatello) Adtrian (wih Elvs Coastello) Adrtian (wiht Elvsi Cosatello) Ad5ian (wifh Elvjs Costtello)
Ad5rian (wifth Elvjis Cosello) Adr5ian (witfh Elvijs Cosetllo) Adfian (wi5h Elv9s Cosfello) (wi5th Elv9is Cosftello) Adrfian (wit5h Elvi9s Costfello)
Adeian (wihh Elvls Cos5ello) (wihth Elvlis Cos5tello) Adreian (withh Elvils Cost5ello) Adriian (wiyh Elvos Coshello) Adran (wiyth Elvois Coshtello)
Adrain (wityh Elvios Costhello) Adrjan (wi6h Elvks Cosyello) Adrjian (wi6th Elvkis Cosytello)

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