(my My) Baby's Gonna Cry

Do you feel sorry lover?
Do you feel blue?
What reason did you have
To be untrue?
Now you could be so good
But you have to be so bad
When you could make me
Happy lover
You make me sad.
Now there's a cool breeze blowin'
Blowin' out the flame
That used to burn inside me
At the mention of your name,
Now there's a cool breeze blowin'
Blowin' down the track -
That's where I'm goin'
And I'm never comin' back...
My my - baby's gonna cry
My my - baby's gonna cry
My my - baby's gonna cry
Tonight - oh yea...
Now there's nothing
Comes from nothing
That's what they always say
Didn't mama tell ya
That's the price you have to pay?
Now you can't have
Your piece of cake
And eat the sweet thing too
But that kind of understanding
Isn't good enough for you
My my - baby's gonna cry

Mirror lyrics:

My my - baby's gonna cry
Isn't good enough for you
But that kind of understanding
And eat the sweet thing too
Your piece of cake
Now you can't have
That's the price you have to pay?
Didn't mama tell ya
That's what they always say
Comes from nothing
Now there's nothing
Tonight - oh yea...
My my - baby's gonna cry
My my - baby's gonna cry
My my - baby's gonna cry
And I'm never comin' back...
That's where I'm goin'
Blowin' down the track -
Now there's a cool breeze blowin'
At the mention of your name,
That used to burn inside me
Blowin' out the flame
Now there's a cool breeze blowin'
You make me sad.
Happy lover
When you could make me
But you have to be so bad
Now you could be so good
To be untrue?
What reason did you have
Do you feel blue?
Do you feel sorry lover?

Relevant Tags:
((my MMy) BBaby's GGonna CCry my y) aby's onna ry m(y yM) aBby's oGnna rCy (mmy jy) vaby's honna fry (y jMy) vBaby's hGonna fCry (ym Mjy) Bvaby's Ghonna Cfry
(jy ky) gaby's yonna xry (jmy kMy) gBaby's yGonna xCry (mjy Mky) Bgaby's Gyonna Cxry (ky ny) naby's bonna vry (kmy nMy) nBaby's bGonna vCry (mky Mny) Bnaby's Gbonna Cvry
(ny Myy) haby's vonna dry (nmy M) hBaby's vGonna dCry (mny M)y Bhaby's Gvonna Cdry (myy Mg) Baaby's fonna Crry (m Mgy) Bby's fGonna Cy (my Myg) Bbay's Gfonna Cyr
(mg Mh) Bzby's tonna Cdy (mgy Mhy) Bzaby's tGonna (myg Myh) Bazby's Gtonna Crdy (mh M6) Bqby's Goonna C4y (mhy M6y) Bqaby's Gnna C4ry (myh My6) Baqby's Gnona Cr4y
(m6 Mu) Bsby's Gknna Cgy (m6y Muy) Bsaby's Gkonna Cgry (my6 Myu) Basby's Goknna Crgy (mu M7) Bwby's G9nna Cty (muy M7y) Bwaby's G9onna Ctry (myu My7) Bawby's Go9nna Crty
(m7 Mj) Bxby's G0nna C5y (m7y Bxaby's G0onna C5ry (my7 Myj) Baxby's Go0nna Cr5y (mj Mt) Babby's Glnna Cfy Mty) Bay's Glonna (myj Myt) Bayb's Golnna Crfy
(mt My)) Bavy's Ginna Cey (mty My Bavby's Gionna Cery (myt My) Babvy's Goinna Crey Bagy's Gonnna Cryy Bagby's Gona Cr Babgy's Gonna Cry
Bany's Gomna Crg Banby's Gomnna Babny's Gonmna Cryg Bahy's Gohna Crh Bahby's Gohnna Crhy

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