Eurovision Song Contest
United Kingdom Precious Say It Again

Say it again...

I know I heard you right
I've been a-lyin' awake at night
Thinkin' about three words you said to me...

I know it's hard for you
Sometimes you gotta let the feeling through
I wanna know exactly how you feel
Ooh yeah

I've tried to be patient
And give you a little more time
Now I need to be sure
What's on your mind

Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)
When last night we were together
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
(Say it) say it again

I knew right from the start
You were livin' with a broken heart
But baby, I knew, could take some time to heal...

But now I must confess
The way you're fillin' me with happiness
Think that we could be startin' somethin' real
Ooh yeah...

I've tried to be patient
And give you a little more time
Now I need to be sure
What's on your mind

Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)
When last night we were together
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
(Say it) say it again

And I just need to be sure
That you're mine forever
All I'm asking you for
Is to tell me whether
I should be trustin' in you
Tell me if the words you whispered were true

(Say it, say it, say it, say it...)

Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)
When last night we were together
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
(Say it)

Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)
When last night we were together
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
(Say it) say it again

Mirror lyrics:

(Say it) say it again
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
When last night we were together
Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)

(Say it)
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
When last night we were together
Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)

(Say it, say it, say it, say it...)

Tell me if the words you whispered were true
I should be trustin' in you
Is to tell me whether
All I'm asking you for
That you're mine forever
And I just need to be sure

(Say it) say it again
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
When last night we were together
Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)

What's on your mind
Now I need to be sure
And give you a little more time
I've tried to be patient

Ooh yeah...
Think that we could be startin' somethin' real
The way you're fillin' me with happiness
But now I must confess

But baby, I knew, could take some time to heal...
You were livin' with a broken heart
I knew right from the start

(Say it) say it again
Lyin' next to me, you said to me
When last night we were together
Say it again (say it)
Say the words I heard you whisper
Say it again (say it)

What's on your mind
Now I need to be sure
And give you a little more time
I've tried to be patient

Ooh yeah
I wanna know exactly how you feel
Sometimes you gotta let the feeling through
I know it's hard for you

Thinkin' about three words you said to me...
I've been a-lyin' awake at night
I know I heard you right

Say it again...

Relevant Tags:
UUnited KKingdom PPrecious SSay IIt AAgain nited ingdom recious ay t gain nUited iKngdom rPecious aSy tI gAain
hnited lingdom 0recious zay jt zgain hUnited lKingdom 0Precious zSay jIt zAgain Uhnited Klingdom P0recious Szay Ijt Azgain
7nited oingdom lrecious way 9t qgain 7United oKingdom lPrecious wSay 9It qAgain U7nited Koingdom Plrecious Sway I9t Aqgain
knited mingdom orecious day lt sgain kUnited mKingdom oPrecious dSay lIt sAgain Uknited Kmingdom Porecious Sday Ilt Asgain
inited jingdom Prrecious eay ot wgain iUnited jKingdom Pecious eSay oIt wAgain Uinited Kjingdom Percious Seay Iot Awgain
8nited iingdom Pdecious xay kt xgain 8United iKingdom Pdrecious xSay kIt xAgain U8nited Kiingdom Prdecious Sxay Ikt Axgain
jnited P4ecious aay 8t Aggain jUnited Kngdom P4recious aSay 8It Aain Ujnited Knigdom Pr4ecious Saay I8t Aagin
ynited Kjngdom Pgecious ut Ahain yUnited Pgrecious Sy uIt Ahgain Uynited Kijngdom Prgecious Sya Iut Aghain
Unnited K9ngdom Ptecious Szy Itt Ayain Uited K9ingdom Ptrecious I Aygain Uinted Ki9ngdom Prtecious Sazy It Agyain
Umited Klngdom P5ecious Sqy If Abain Umnited P5recious Sqay Ift Abgain Unmited Kilngdom Pr5ecious Saqy Itf Agbain
Uhited Kongdom Pfecious Ssy I5 Avain Pfrecious Ssay I5t Avgain Unhited Kiongdom Prfecious Sasy It5 Agvain
Ujited Kkngdom Peecious Swy Ih Afain Kkingdom Perecious Iht Afgain Unjited Kikngdom Preecious Sawy Ith Agfain
Ubited K8ngdom Sxy Iy Atain Ubnited K8ingdom Prcious Iyt Atgain Unbited Ki8ngdom Prceious Saxy Ity Agtain
Uniited Kungdom Prscious Sayy I6 Agaain Unted Kuingdom Prsecious Sa I6t Agin Untied Kiungdom Prescious Say It6 Agian
Unjted Kinngdom Pr3cious Sag Ig Agzin Kigdom Pr3ecious Sagy Igt Agzain Unijted Kigndom Pre3cious Sayg Itg Agazin
Un9ted Kimgdom Prfcious Sah Ir Agqin Un9ited Kimngdom Sahy Irt Agqain Uni9ted Kinmgdom Prefcious Sayh Itr Agaqin
Unlted Kihgdom Prrcious Sa6 Agsin Unlited Kihngdom Sa6y Agsain Unilted Kinhgdom Prercious Say6 Agasin
Unoted Kijgdom Pr4cious Sau Agwin Unoited Sauy Agwain Unioted Kinjgdom Pre4cious Sayu Agawin
Unkted Kibgdom Prdcious Sa7 Agxin Unkited Kibngdom Sa7y Agxain Unikted Kinbgdom Predcious Say7 Agaxin
Un8ted Kinggdom Prwcious Saj Agaiin Un8ited Kindom Prwecious Sajy Agan Uni8ted Kindgom Prewcious Sayj Agani
Unuted Kinhdom Preccious Sat Agajn Unuited Preious Saty Agajin Uniuted Kinghdom Preicous Sayt Agaijn
Unitted Kinydom Prefious Aga9n Unied Kinygdom Aga9in Unietd Kingydom Precfious Agai9n
Unifed Kinbdom Prexious Agaln Unifted Prexcious Agalin Unitfed Kingbdom Precxious Agailn
Uni5ed Kinvdom Previous Agaon Uni5ted Kinvgdom Prevcious Agaoin Unit5ed Kingvdom Precvious Agaion
Unihed Kinfdom Predious Agakn Unihted Kinfgdom Agakin

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