Eurovision Song Contest
Poland Isis Gee For Life

I had no choice
Perfectly clear from the start
I heard your voice
And I was falling
Into a space
Where daylight kisses moonlit skies

It was the place
As written in your eyes
And oh, we made it
We finally found our way
And celebrating
Just where we... we stand today

I'll let my heart show the way
Oceans and mountains between us
Because your love is why
You made the wrong right
I will give my all
Will heed your call
For Life

I had no choice
Perfectly clear from the start
I will rejoice
Embrace your calling
And into a space
Where daylight kisses moonlit skies

I heard your voice
And I knew it was for life

I'll let my heart show the way
Oceans and mountains between us
Because your love is why
You made the wrong right
I will give my all
Will heed your call
For Life
For Life

Mirror lyrics:

For Life
For Life
Will heed your call
I will give my all
You made the wrong right
Because your love is why
Oceans and mountains between us
I'll let my heart show the way

And I knew it was for life
I heard your voice

Where daylight kisses moonlit skies
And into a space
Embrace your calling
I will rejoice
Perfectly clear from the start
I had no choice

For Life
Will heed your call
I will give my all
You made the wrong right
Because your love is why
Oceans and mountains between us
I'll let my heart show the way

Just where we... we stand today
And celebrating
We finally found our way
And oh, we made it
As written in your eyes
It was the place

Where daylight kisses moonlit skies
Into a space
And I was falling
I heard your voice
Perfectly clear from the start
I had no choice

Relevant Tags:
PPoland IIsis GGee FFor LLife oland sis ee or ife oPland sIis eGe oFr iLfe 0oland jsis hee cor kife 0Poland jIsis hGee cFor kLife
P0oland Ijsis Ghee Fcor Lkife loland 9sis yee ror oife lPoland 9Isis yGee rFor oLife Ploland I9sis Gyee Fror Loife ooland lsis bee gor pife
oPoland lIsis bGee gFor pLife Pooland Ilsis Gbee Fgor Lpife osis vee tor Liife Pland oIsis vGee tFor Lfe Ploand Iosis Gvee Ftor Lfie
Pkland ksis fee vor Ljfe Pkoland kIsis fGee vFor Ljife Pokland Iksis Gfee Fvor Lijfe P9land 8sis tee dor L9fe P9oland 8Isis tGee dFor L9ife
Po9land I8sis Gtee Fdor Li9fe P0land usis Geee Foor Llfe uIsis Ge Fr Llife Po0land Iusis Gee Fro Lilfe Plland Issis Gse Fkr Lofe
Iis Gsee Fkor Polland Iiss Gese Fokr Liofe Piland Izis G3e F9r Lkfe Pioland Izsis G3ee F9or Poiland Iszis Ge3e Fo9r Likfe
Iwis Gfe F0r L8fe Poand Iwsis F0or L8ife Poalnd Iswis Gefe Fo0r Li8fe Pokand Idis Gre Flr Lufe Idsis Gree Flor Luife
Polkand Isdis Gere Folr Liufe Pooand Ieis G4e Fir Liffe Iesis G4ee Fior Lie Poloand Iseis Ge4e Foir Lief Popand Ixis Gde Forr Lice
Popland Ixsis Gdee Fo Licfe Polpand Isxis Gede For Lifce Polaand Iais Gwe Fod Lire Polnd Iasis Gwee Fodr Lirfe Polnad Isais Gewe Ford Lifre

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