When The Day Goes Down

Well don't you cry now -
Don't go drowning in your tears
Haven't you learnt anything
After all these years?

All God's little children
Are beautiful & pure
And you're as good
As all of them
Of this you can be sure

And we are just the same
Underneath the shadows
Of the sun
And we are just the same
No more no less than anyone

All the people
Of this lonely world
Have got some pain inside
Don't go thinking
You're the only one
Who ever broke right down
And cried

That's when the rain comes down
That's when the rain comes falling down

And this is for the broken dreamers
This is for vacant souls
This is for the hopeless losers
This is for the helpless fools
And the burnt out
And the useless
And the lonely & the weak
And the lost & the degraded
& the too dumb to speak

And the day goes down
That's when the day
Goes down

Mirror lyrics:

Goes down
That's when the day
And the day goes down

& the too dumb to speak
And the lost & the degraded
And the lonely & the weak
And the useless
And the burnt out
This is for the helpless fools
This is for the hopeless losers
This is for vacant souls
And this is for the broken dreamers

That's when the rain comes falling down
That's when the rain comes down

And cried
Who ever broke right down
You're the only one
Don't go thinking
Have got some pain inside
Of this lonely world
All the people

No more no less than anyone
And we are just the same
Of the sun
Underneath the shadows
And we are just the same

Of this you can be sure
As all of them
And you're as good
Are beautiful & pure
All God's little children

After all these years?
Haven't you learnt anything
Don't go drowning in your tears
Well don't you cry now -

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe DDay GGoes DDown hen he ay oes own hWen hTe aDy oGes oDwn ahen fhe xay hoes xown aWhen fThe xDay hGoes xDown Wahen Tfhe Dxay Ghoes Dxown
3hen 5he eay yoes eown 3When 5The eDay yGoes eDown W3hen T5he Deay Gyoes Deown dhen hhe fay boes fown dWhen hThe fDay bGoes fDown Wdhen Thhe Dfay Gboes Dfown
ehen yhe ray voes rown eWhen yThe rDay vGoes rDown Wehen Tyhe Dray Gvoes Drown shen 6he cay foes cown sWhen 6The cDay fGoes cDown Wshen T6he Dcay Gfoes Dcown
2hen ghe say toes sown 2When gThe sDay tGoes sDown W2hen Tghe Dsay Gtoes Dsown qhen rhe Daay Gooes Doown qWhen rThe Dy Ges Dwn Wqhen Trhe Dya Geos Dwon
Whhen Dzy Gkes Dkwn Wen Te Dzay Gkoes Dkown Wehn Teh Dazy Gokes Dokwn Wjen Tje Dqy G9es D9wn Wjhen Tjhe Dqay G9oes D9own Whjen Thje Daqy Go9es Do9wn
Wuen Tue Dsy G0es D0wn Wuhen Tuhe G0oes D0own Whuen Thue Dasy Go0es Do0wn Wnen Tne Dwy Gles Dlwn Wnhen Tnhe Dway Gloes Dlown Whnen Thne Dawy Goles Dolwn
Wben Tbe Dxy Gies Diwn Wbhen Tbhe Gioes Diown Whben Thbe Daxy Goies Doiwn Wgen Tge Dayy Goees Dowwn Wghen Da Gos Don Whgen Thge Day Gose Donw

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