
My black backpack stuffed with broken dreams
Twenty bucks should get me through the week
Never said a word of discontentment
Thought it a thousand times but now
I'm leaving home

Here in the shadows
I'm safe, I'm free
I've nowhere else to go
But I cannot stay where I don't belong

Two months pass by and it's getting cold
I know I'm not lost I'm just alone
But I won't cry, I won't give up, I can't go back now
Waking up is knowing who you really are

Here in the shadows
I'm safe, I'm free
I've nowhere else to go
But I cannot stay where I don't belong

In the shadows
I'm safe, I'm free
I've nowhere else to go
But I cannot stay here
Oh, show me the shadow where true meaning lies
So much more dismay in empty eyes

Mirror lyrics:

So much more dismay in empty eyes
Oh, show me the shadow where true meaning lies
But I cannot stay here
I've nowhere else to go
I'm safe, I'm free
In the shadows

But I cannot stay where I don't belong
I've nowhere else to go
I'm safe, I'm free
Here in the shadows

Waking up is knowing who you really are
But I won't cry, I won't give up, I can't go back now
I know I'm not lost I'm just alone
Two months pass by and it's getting cold

But I cannot stay where I don't belong
I've nowhere else to go
I'm safe, I'm free
Here in the shadows

I'm leaving home
Thought it a thousand times but now
Never said a word of discontentment
Twenty bucks should get me through the week
My black backpack stuffed with broken dreams

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Exoddus Exous Exouds Exoxus

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