Turn The Lights Down Low

Strange love
Strange love
A different kind of love
I know it'll end
But you are all I want

Speak now
Speak now
Or forever hold your breath
Nothing to fear
The past will stay behind

Turn the lights down low
Let me fall inside of you
When the night grows dark
Let me know you want me too

My hand
My hand
I'll touch you with my hand
You're slipping through
Like sand to the sea

So close
So close
Much closer than before
But still so far
And so you'll always be

My hand
My hand
Touch you with my hand

Mirror lyrics:

Touch you with my hand
My hand
My hand

And so you'll always be
But still so far
Much closer than before
So close
So close

Like sand to the sea
You're slipping through
I'll touch you with my hand
My hand
My hand

Let me know you want me too
When the night grows dark
Let me fall inside of you
Turn the lights down low

The past will stay behind
Nothing to fear
Or forever hold your breath
Speak now
Speak now

But you are all I want
I know it'll end
A different kind of love
Strange love
Strange love

Relevant Tags:
TTurn TThe LLights DDown LLow urn he ights own ow uTrn hTe iLghts oDwn oLw furn fhe kights xown kow fTurn fThe kLights xDown kLow Tfurn Tfhe Lkights Dxown Lkow
5urn 5he oights eown oow 5Turn 5The oLights eDown oLow T5urn T5he Loights Deown Loow hurn hhe pights fown pow hTurn hThe pLights fDown pLow Thurn Thhe Lpights Dfown Lpow
yurn yhe Liights rown yTurn yThe Lghts rDown Lw Tyurn Tyhe Lgihts Drown Lwo 6urn 6he Ljghts cown Lkw 6Turn 6The Ljights cDown T6urn T6he Lijghts Dcown Lokw
gurn ghe L9ghts sown L9w gTurn gThe L9ights sDown L9ow Tgurn Tghe Li9ghts Dsown Lo9w rurn rhe Llghts Doown L0w rTurn rThe Llights Dwn L0ow Trurn Trhe Lilghts Dwon Lo0w
Tuurn Loghts Dkwn Llw Trn Te Dkown Llow Trun Teh Lioghts Dokwn Lolw Thrn Tje Lkghts D9wn Liw Tjhe D9own Liow Tuhrn Thje Likghts Do9wn Loiw
T7rn Tue L8ghts D0wn Loww T7urn Tuhe L8ights D0own Lo Tu7rn Thue Li8ghts Do0wn Low Tkrn Tne Lughts Dlwn Loa Tkurn Tnhe Luights Dlown Loaw Tukrn Thne Liughts Dolwn Lowa
Tirn Tbe Ligghts Diwn Lo3 Tiurn Tbhe Lihts Diown Lo3w Tuirn Thbe Lihgts Doiwn Low3 T8rn Tge Lihhts Dowwn Lod T8urn Lihghts Don Lodw Tu8rn Thge Lighhts Donw Lowd
Tjrn Tye Liyhts Doan Loe Tjurn Liyghts Doawn Loew Tujrn Thye Ligyhts Dowan Lowe Tyrn Thee Libhts Do3n Los Th Libghts Do3wn Losw Tuyrn The Ligbhts Dow3n Lows
Turrn Ths Livhts Dodn Lo2 Tun Thse Livghts Dodwn Lo2w Tunr Thes Ligvhts Dowdn Low2 Tudn Th3 Lifhts Doen Loq Tudrn Th3e Lifghts Doewn Loqw Turdn The3 Ligfhts Dowen Lowq
Tu4n Thf Lithts Dosn Tu4rn Thfe Litghts Doswn Tur4n Thef Ligthts Dowsn

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