Eva Avila
This Kind Of Love

This kind of love ain't right
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love's not true
Not good for me or you

Woke up to find myself
Standing in another day
Filled with anxiety, and praying for a different
I give it all I have, till I have no more to give
I used to think I'd die for love
Now I'd rather live
If everywhere you look you'd find some misery
The view from there can make you feel
Just a little crazy

This kind of love ain't right
Won't take us through the night
Some think love equals pain but
This kind of love's not true
Not good for me or you
I think we got to get out of this rain

Sleep walking through life
Waiting for the other shoe to fall
Dreams cut like a knife
When you think you shouldn't dream at all
I saw a dark cloud
Looks like it follows us around
And it doesn't take that much you know
To make it tumble down
How did we ever go from being so happy
To suffer along and be strong
Just so we can keep on keepin' on

This kind of love ain't right
Won't take us through the night
Some think love equals pain but
This kind of love's not true
Not good for me or you
I think we got to get out of this rain

If everywhere you look you'll find some misery
The view from there can make you feel
Just a little, crazy

This kind of love ain't right
Won't take us through the night
Some think love equals pain but
This kind of love's not true
Not good for me or you
I think we got to get out of this rain

This kind of love ain't right
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love won't take us through the night
Not good for me or you
This kind of love

Mirror lyrics:

This kind of love
Not good for me or you
This kind of love won't take us through the night
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love ain't right

I think we got to get out of this rain
Not good for me or you
This kind of love's not true
Some think love equals pain but
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love ain't right

Just a little, crazy
The view from there can make you feel
If everywhere you look you'll find some misery

I think we got to get out of this rain
Not good for me or you
This kind of love's not true
Some think love equals pain but
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love ain't right

Just so we can keep on keepin' on
To suffer along and be strong
How did we ever go from being so happy
To make it tumble down
And it doesn't take that much you know
Looks like it follows us around
I saw a dark cloud
When you think you shouldn't dream at all
Dreams cut like a knife
Waiting for the other shoe to fall
Sleep walking through life

I think we got to get out of this rain
Not good for me or you
This kind of love's not true
Some think love equals pain but
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love ain't right

Just a little crazy
The view from there can make you feel
If everywhere you look you'd find some misery
Now I'd rather live
I used to think I'd die for love
I give it all I have, till I have no more to give
Filled with anxiety, and praying for a different
Standing in another day
Woke up to find myself

Not good for me or you
This kind of love's not true
Won't take us through the night
This kind of love ain't right

Relevant Tags:
TThis KKind OOf LLove his ind f ove hTis iKnd fO oLve fhis lind kf kove fThis lKind kOf kLove Tfhis Klind Okf Lkove
5his oind 9f oove 5This oKind 9Of oLove T5his Koind O9f Loove hhis mind 0f pove hThis mKind 0Of pLove Thhis Kmind O0f Lpove
yhis jind lf yThis jKind lOf Lve Tyhis Kjind Olf Lvoe 6his iind if Lkve 6This iKind iOf T6his Kiind Oif Lokve
ghis Off L9ve gThis Knd O L9ove Tghis Knid Of Lo9ve rhis Kjnd Oc L0ve rThis Ocf L0ove Trhis Kijnd Ofc Lo0ve
K9nd Or Llve Tis K9ind Orf Llove Tihs Ki9nd Ofr Lolve Tjis Klnd Og Live Tjhis Ogf Liove Thjis Kilnd Ofg Loive
Tuis Kond Ot Lovve Tuhis Otf Loe Thuis Kiond Oft Loev Tnis Kknd Ov Lobe Tnhis Kkind Ovf Lobve Thnis Kiknd Ofv Lovbe
Tbis K8nd Od Loce Tbhis K8ind Odf Locve Thbis Ki8nd Ofd Lovce Tgis Kund Loge Kuind Logve Thgis Kiund Lovge
Tyis Kinnd Lofe

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