Evan Taubenfeld
Cheater Of The Year

You told your friends,
You told my friends,
That you got drunk and spent the night
With some guy you didn't know
At all

Now you are so resisting,
Your story's inconsistent,
You swear you only kissed him
But I know it's a lie

You tried to be G rated,
But that's not how I played it in my head
And you frown like you've been crying
But I know that you're lying again

And this is the part when you disappear,
Is a chiche break up here
Yeah, we're D O N E
Tell me how it feels to be the cheater of the year
And this is the part when you she'd a tear,
Let me make it very clear,
That we're O V E R
I know who you really are
You're the cheater of the year

I hope that you're happy,
You've ruined everything we had
I want my spinfire t-shirt back

You know what my stance is,
I don't do second chances
And all those high school dances
I could have gone stag

You tried to be G rated,
But that's not how I played it in my head
Oh Ooh...

And this is the part when you disappear,
Is a chiche break up here
Yeah, we're D O N E
Tell me how it feels to be the cheater of the year
And this is the part when you she'd a tear,
Let me make it very clear,
That we're O V E R
I know who you really are
You're the cheater of the year

Cheater of the year
Is good to know that you'll be sorry

And this is the part when you disappear,
Is a chiche break up here
Yeah, we're D O N E
Tell me how it feels to be the cheater of the year
And this is the part when you she'd a tear,
Let me make it very clear,
That we're O V E R
I know who you really are
You're the cheater of the year

Mirror lyrics:

You're the cheater of the year
I know who you really are
That we're O V E R
Let me make it very clear,
And this is the part when you she'd a tear,
Tell me how it feels to be the cheater of the year
Yeah, we're D O N E
Is a chiche break up here
And this is the part when you disappear,

Is good to know that you'll be sorry
Cheater of the year

You're the cheater of the year
I know who you really are
That we're O V E R
Let me make it very clear,
And this is the part when you she'd a tear,
Tell me how it feels to be the cheater of the year
Yeah, we're D O N E
Is a chiche break up here
And this is the part when you disappear,

Oh Ooh...
But that's not how I played it in my head
You tried to be G rated,

I could have gone stag
And all those high school dances
I don't do second chances
You know what my stance is,

I want my spinfire t-shirt back
You've ruined everything we had
I hope that you're happy,

You're the cheater of the year
I know who you really are
That we're O V E R
Let me make it very clear,
And this is the part when you she'd a tear,
Tell me how it feels to be the cheater of the year
Yeah, we're D O N E
Is a chiche break up here
And this is the part when you disappear,

But I know that you're lying again
And you frown like you've been crying
But that's not how I played it in my head
You tried to be G rated,

But I know it's a lie
You swear you only kissed him
Your story's inconsistent,
Now you are so resisting,

At all
With some guy you didn't know
That you got drunk and spent the night
You told my friends,
You told your friends,

Relevant Tags:
CCheater OOf TThe YYear heater f he ear hCeater fO hTe eYar fheater kf fhe gear fCheater kOf fThe gYear Cfheater Okf Tfhe Ygear
xheater 9f 5he hear xCheater 9Of 5The hYear Cxheater O9f T5he Yhear vheater 0f hhe 6ear vCheater 0Of hThe 6Year Cvheater O0f Thhe Y6ear
dheater lf yhe uear dCheater lOf yThe uYear Cdheater Olf Tyhe Yuear Chheater if 6he 7ear Ceater iOf 6The 7Year Cehater Oif T6he Y7ear
Cjeater Off ghe jear Cjheater O gThe jYear Chjeater Of Tghe Yjear Cueater Oc rhe tear Cuheater Ocf rThe tYear Chueater Ofc Trhe Ytear
Cneater Or Yeear Cnheater Orf Te Yar Chneater Ofr Teh Yaer Cbeater Og Tje Ysar Cbheater Ogf Tjhe Ysear Chbeater Ofg Thje Yesar
Cgeater Ot Tue Y3ar Cgheater Otf Tuhe Y3ear Chgeater Oft Thue Ye3ar Cyeater Ov Tne Yfar Cyheater Ovf Tnhe Yfear Chyeater Ofv Thne Yefar
Cheeater Od Tbe Yrar Chater Odf Tbhe Yrear Chaeter Ofd Thbe Yerar Chsater Tge Y4ar Chseater Y4ear Chesater Thge Ye4ar
Ch3ater Tye Ydar Ch3eater Ydear Che3ater Thye Yedar Chfater Thee Ywar Chfeater Th Ywear Chefater The Yewar
Chrater Ths Yeaar Chreater Thse Yer Cherater Thes Yera Ch4ater Th3 Yezr Ch4eater Th3e Yezar Che4ater The3 Yeazr
Chdater Thf Yeqr Chdeater Thfe Yeqar Chedater Thef Yeaqr Chwater Thr Yesr Chweater Thre Chewater Ther Yeasr
Cheaater Th4 Yewr Cheter Th4e Chetaer The4 Yeawr Chezter Thd Yexr Chezater Thde Yexar Cheazter Thed Yeaxr
Cheqter Thw Yearr Cheqater Thwe Yea Cheaqter Thew Year Chester Yead Yeadr

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