Evan Taubenfeld
This Is Goodbye

I thought we had it all
You did not
I took this all for granted
And now you're gone
Cause I'm not good enough
You'll move on
And find somebody better

This feels wrong
This is way too hard
I guess we should say it

This is goodbye
So long we tried
I tell you I'm done as you started to cry
Don't say this is wrong
When you should know why
Cause this is goodbye it's over
We tried

Wish I could have showed you
What we've got
I'd give everything that I have
to make you stop
Why can't we start again?
Now it's really over

I'm so lost
This is way too hard
And I don't know how I'll get through it
I'm starting to give up
And now I have to face it

This is goodbye
So long we tried
I tell you I'm done as you started to cry
Don't say this is wrong
When you should know why
'Cause this is goodbye it's over
We tried

Do you wanna go?
I don't think you know
I'll be better off

And this is way too hard
And I want to forget you

This is goodbye
So long we tried
I tell you I'm done as you started to cry
Don't say this is wrong
When you should know why
Cause this is goodbye it's over
We tried

Nothing left for me to say (goodbye)
it's so hard to walk away (goodbye)
I'll come back and tell you why one day

Mirror lyrics:

I'll come back and tell you why one day
it's so hard to walk away (goodbye)
Nothing left for me to say (goodbye)

We tried
Cause this is goodbye it's over
When you should know why
Don't say this is wrong
I tell you I'm done as you started to cry
So long we tried
This is goodbye

And I want to forget you
And this is way too hard

I'll be better off
I don't think you know
Do you wanna go?

We tried
'Cause this is goodbye it's over
When you should know why
Don't say this is wrong
I tell you I'm done as you started to cry
So long we tried
This is goodbye

And now I have to face it
I'm starting to give up
And I don't know how I'll get through it
This is way too hard
I'm so lost

Now it's really over
Why can't we start again?
to make you stop
I'd give everything that I have
What we've got
Wish I could have showed you

We tried
Cause this is goodbye it's over
When you should know why
Don't say this is wrong
I tell you I'm done as you started to cry
So long we tried
This is goodbye

I guess we should say it
This is way too hard
This feels wrong

And find somebody better
You'll move on
Cause I'm not good enough
And now you're gone
I took this all for granted
You did not
I thought we had it all

Relevant Tags:
TThis IIs GGoodbye his s oodbye hTis sI oGodbye fhis js hoodbye fThis jIs hGoodbye Tfhis Ijs Ghoodbye 5his 9s yoodbye
5This 9Is yGoodbye T5his I9s Gyoodbye hhis ls boodbye hThis lIs bGoodbye Thhis Ils Gboodbye yhis os voodbye yThis oIs vGoodbye
Tyhis Ios Gvoodbye 6his ks foodbye 6This kIs fGoodbye T6his Iks Gfoodbye ghis 8s toodbye gThis 8Is tGoodbye Tghis I8s Gtoodbye
rhis us Gooodbye rThis uIs Godbye Trhis Ius Goodbye Iss Gkodbye Tis I Gkoodbye Tihs Is Gokodbye Tjis Iz G9odbye
Tjhis Izs G9oodbye Thjis Isz Go9odbye Tuis Iw G0odbye Tuhis Iws G0oodbye Thuis Isw Go0odbye Tnis Id Glodbye Tnhis Ids Gloodbye
Thnis Isd Golodbye Tbis Ie Giodbye Tbhis Ies Gioodbye Thbis Ise Goiodbye Tgis Ix Ixs Thgis Isx Godobye
Tyis Ia Gokdbye Ias Thyis Isa Gookdbye Thiis Go9dbye Ths Thsi Goo9dbye Thjs Go0dbye
Thijs Goo0dbye Th9s Goldbye Th9is Thi9s Gooldbye Thls Goidbye Thlis Thils Gooidbye
Thos Gooddbye Thois Goobye Thios Goobdye Thks Gooxbye Thkis Gooxdbye Thiks Goodxbye Th8s Gooebye
Th8is Gooedbye Thi8s Goodebye

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