Seven Days In The Sun

I've got a friend, her name is Laura
We took a holiday, seven sweet days in Majorca
We took a plane through the southern Spain
To see the ocean wave's blue
We sat and watched the moon as crickets sang back cover tunes
Way back in May

Seven days in the sun, yeah

She's my heaven
She's a spark yeah yeah
Feels like heaven
So light me up

She's got this friend, who's name is Paula
He likes to cross dress every Friday night
In clothes from Prada
We took a train left behind the rain
To see the summer sunset glow
But now she's not around
I'm hanging on with broken hands
Way above the clouds

Seven days in the sun, sun
She's my heaven
She a spark yeah yeah
Feels like heaven
So light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up you really…

Staring through the crowd its pulling me underground
And who's gonna dig me out?

We used to take a walk on velvet sands across the beach
We used to build a fire and stare into the rising heat
You used to set me free, lift me from the concrete sea
Seven days in the sun

She's my heaven
She a spark yeah yeah
Feels like heaven
So light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up

You blow my mind!!

Mirror lyrics:

You blow my mind!!

You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
So light me up
Feels like heaven
She a spark yeah yeah
She's my heaven

Seven days in the sun
You used to set me free, lift me from the concrete sea
We used to build a fire and stare into the rising heat
We used to take a walk on velvet sands across the beach

And who's gonna dig me out?
Staring through the crowd its pulling me underground

You really light me up you really…
You really light me up
You really light me up
You really light me up
So light me up
Feels like heaven
She a spark yeah yeah
She's my heaven
Seven days in the sun, sun

Way above the clouds
I'm hanging on with broken hands
But now she's not around
To see the summer sunset glow
We took a train left behind the rain
In clothes from Prada
He likes to cross dress every Friday night
She's got this friend, who's name is Paula

So light me up
Feels like heaven
She's a spark yeah yeah
She's my heaven

Seven days in the sun, yeah

Way back in May
We sat and watched the moon as crickets sang back cover tunes
To see the ocean wave's blue
We took a plane through the southern Spain
We took a holiday, seven sweet days in Majorca
I've got a friend, her name is Laura

Relevant Tags:
SSeven DDays IIn TThe SSun even ays n he un eSven aDys nI hTe uSn zeven xays jn fhe zun zSeven xDays jIn fThe zSun Szeven Dxays Ijn Tfhe Szun
weven eays 9n 5he wun wSeven eDays 9In 5The wSun Sweven Deays I9n T5he Swun deven fays ln hhe dun dSeven fDays lIn hThe dSun Sdeven Dfays Iln Thhe Sdun
eeven rays on yhe eun eSeven rDays oIn yThe eSun Seeven Drays Ion Tyhe Seun xeven cays kn 6he xun xSeven cDays kIn 6The xSun Sxeven Dcays Ikn T6he Sxun
aeven says 8n ghe aun aSeven sDays 8In gThe aSun Saeven Dsays I8n Tghe Saun Daays un rhe Suun Sven Dys uIn rThe Sn Sveen Dyas Iun Trhe Snu
Ssven Dzys Inn Shn Sseven Dzays I Te Shun Sesven Dazys In Teh Suhn S3ven Dqys Im Tje S7n S3even Dqays Imn Tjhe S7un Se3ven Daqys Inm Thje Su7n
Sfven Dsys Ih Tue Skn Sfeven Ihn Tuhe Skun Sefven Dasys Inh Thue Sukn Srven Dwys Ij Tne Sin Sreven Dways Tnhe Siun Serven Dawys Inj Thne Suin
S4ven Dxys Ib Tbe S8n S4even Ibn Tbhe S8un Se4ven Daxys Inb Thbe Su8n Sdven Dayys Tge Sjn Das Sjun Sedven Dasy Thge Sujn
Swven Dags Tye Syn Dagys Syun Sewven Daygs Thye Suyn Sevven Dahs Thee Sunn Seen Dahys Th Su

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