Fear Factory
Smasher Devourer

Fear me not but fear my hell
Man made me so I could kill
Praise me in the name of war
I destroy both rich and poor

I am the way, prepare for salvation
I am the way, prepare for salvation

Strength in time of suffering
Man alone is a weakling
Ascension is what you ask
I will be the fall of man

I am the way, prepare for salvation
I am the way, prepare for salvation


Those of you who dare to stray
I will tear your mind away
Those of you who dare to stray
I will take your life away


I am the way, prepare for salvation
I am the way, prepare for salvation


Mirror lyrics:


I am the way, prepare for salvation
I am the way, prepare for salvation


I will take your life away
Those of you who dare to stray
I will tear your mind away
Those of you who dare to stray


I am the way, prepare for salvation
I am the way, prepare for salvation

I will be the fall of man
Ascension is what you ask
Man alone is a weakling
Strength in time of suffering

I am the way, prepare for salvation
I am the way, prepare for salvation

I destroy both rich and poor
Praise me in the name of war
Man made me so I could kill
Fear me not but fear my hell

Relevant Tags:
SSmasher DDevourer masher evourer mSasher eDvourer zmasher xevourer zSmasher xDevourer Szmasher Dxevourer wmasher eevourer
wSmasher eDevourer Swmasher Deevourer dmasher fevourer dSmasher fDevourer Sdmasher Dfevourer emasher revourer eSmasher rDevourer
Semasher Drevourer xmasher cevourer xSmasher cDevourer Sxmasher Dcevourer amasher sevourer aSmasher sDevourer Samasher Dsevourer
Smmasher Sasher Dvourer Samsher Dveourer Sjasher Dsvourer Sjmasher Smjasher Desvourer Skasher D3vourer
Skmasher D3evourer Smkasher De3vourer Snasher Dfvourer Snmasher Smnasher Defvourer Smaasher Drvourer Smsher
Smsaher Dervourer Smzsher D4vourer Smzasher D4evourer Smazsher De4vourer Smqsher Ddvourer Smqasher Ddevourer Smaqsher Dedvourer
Smssher Dwvourer Smsasher Dwevourer Smassher Dewvourer Smwsher Devvourer Smwasher Deourer Smawsher Deovurer Smxsher Debourer
Smxasher Debvourer Smaxsher Devbourer Decourer Smaher Decvourer Smahser Devcourer Smazher Degourer Degvourer
Smaszher Devgourer Smawher Defourer Smaswher Devfourer Smadher Devoourer Smadsher Devurer Smasdher Devuorer Smaeher Devkurer
Smaesher Devkourer Smaseher Devokurer Smaxher Dev9urer Dev9ourer Smasxher Devo9urer Smaaher Dev0urer Dev0ourer
Smasaher Devo0urer Smashher Devlurer Smaser Devlourer Smasehr Devolurer Smasjer Deviurer Smasjher Deviourer Smashjer Devoiurer
Smasuer Devouurer

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