Ferlin Husky
Cold Hard Facts Of Life

(Bill Anderson)

I got back in town a day before I'd planned to
I smiled and said I'll sure surprise my wife
I don't think I'll phone I'll just head on home
For I didn't know the cold hard facts of life.

I passed a little winestore on the corner
I pictured pink champagne by candle light
I stopped the car right then got out and hurried in
My minds not on the cold hard facts of life.

A stranger stood there laughing by the counter
He said, ''I'll take two bottles of your best.''
Her husband's out of town and there's a party
He winkled as if to say you know the rest.

I left the store two steps behind the stranger
From there to my house his car stayed in sight
But it wasn't till he turned into my drive I learned
I was witnessing the cold hard facts of life.

I drove around the block till I was dizzy
Each time the noise came louder from within
And then I saw our bottle there beside me
And I drank a fifth of courage and walked in.

Oh, you should have seen their frantic faces
They screamed and cried please put away that knife
I guess I'll go to hell or rot here in the cell
But who told who the cold hard facts of life.

Who told who the cold hard facts of life...

Mirror lyrics:

Who told who the cold hard facts of life...

But who told who the cold hard facts of life.
I guess I'll go to hell or rot here in the cell
They screamed and cried please put away that knife
Oh, you should have seen their frantic faces

And I drank a fifth of courage and walked in.
And then I saw our bottle there beside me
Each time the noise came louder from within
I drove around the block till I was dizzy

I was witnessing the cold hard facts of life.
But it wasn't till he turned into my drive I learned
From there to my house his car stayed in sight
I left the store two steps behind the stranger

He winkled as if to say you know the rest.
Her husband's out of town and there's a party
He said, ''I'll take two bottles of your best.''
A stranger stood there laughing by the counter

My minds not on the cold hard facts of life.
I stopped the car right then got out and hurried in
I pictured pink champagne by candle light
I passed a little winestore on the corner

For I didn't know the cold hard facts of life.
I don't think I'll phone I'll just head on home
I smiled and said I'll sure surprise my wife
I got back in town a day before I'd planned to

(Bill Anderson)

Relevant Tags:
CCold HHard FFacts OOf LLife old ard acts f ife oCld aHrd aFcts fO iLfe fold jard cacts kf kife fCold jHard cFacts kOf kLife Cfold Hjard Fcacts Okf Lkife
xold uard racts 9f oife xCold uHard rFacts 9Of oLife Cxold Huard Fracts O9f Loife vold nard gacts 0f pife vCold nHard gFacts 0Of pLife Cvold Hnard Fgacts O0f Lpife
dold bard tacts lf Liife dCold bHard tFacts lOf Lfe Cdold Hbard Ftacts Olf Lfie Coold gard vacts if Ljfe Cld gHard vFacts iOf Ljife Clod Hgard Fvacts Oif Lijfe
Ckld yard dacts Off L9fe Ckold yHard dFacts O L9ife Cokld Hyard Fdacts Of Li9fe C9ld Haard Faacts Oc Llfe C9old Hrd Fcts Ocf Llife Co9ld Hrad Fcats Ofc Lilfe
C0ld Hzrd Fzcts Or Lofe C0old Hzard Fzacts Orf Co0ld Hazrd Fazcts Ofr Liofe Clld Hqrd Fqcts Og Lkfe Clold Hqard Fqacts Ogf Colld Haqrd Faqcts Ofg Likfe
Cild Hsrd Fscts Ot L8fe Ciold Hsard Fsacts Otf L8ife Coild Hasrd Fascts Oft Li8fe Hwrd Fwcts Ov Lufe Cod Hward Fwacts Ovf Luife Codl Hawrd Fawcts Ofv Liufe
Cokd Hxrd Fxcts Od Liffe Hxard Fxacts Odf Lie Colkd Haxrd Faxcts Ofd Lief Cood Harrd Faccts Lice Had Fats Licfe Colod Hadr Fatcs Lifce
Copd Hadd Fafts Lire Copld Hadrd Fafcts Lirfe Colpd Hardd Facfts Lifre Coldd Ha4d Faxts Lige Col Ha4rd Ligfe Cold Har4d Facxts Lifge
Colx Hagd Favts Lite

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