One Year A.d.

I had a routine
I wonder what I'll do today
I've got a feeling
I'll be doing the same things all over again

So here, here I came
To present myself a newer hell
Face, body, and mouth
Place the mirror to me
In every episode, well

Bring all the spaces together
And all the silences ever
Bring all the spaces together

Come close again
Be my pause before the end
I miss you, oh, like a fading dream
And I have a feeling you know what I mean

Looking at pictures
The taste, the smell
Not the friends

And in our old kitchen
Record player never ends
They were once
But now no more
You know that it's real
And they were before
Nothing said and silence gained
And my body grows but heart lays

Blink hard and set it to ink
These items fade faster than you think
Feelin'low in a major key
Do they remember me now that it's one year A.D.

Bring all the spaces together
And all the silences ever
Bring all the spaces together

Build all the silences up

Mirror lyrics:

Build all the silences up

Bring all the spaces together
And all the silences ever
Bring all the spaces together

Do they remember me now that it's one year A.D.
Feelin'low in a major key
These items fade faster than you think
Blink hard and set it to ink

And my body grows but heart lays
Nothing said and silence gained
And they were before
You know that it's real
But now no more
They were once
Record player never ends
And in our old kitchen

Not the friends
The taste, the smell
Looking at pictures

And I have a feeling you know what I mean
I miss you, oh, like a fading dream
Be my pause before the end
Come close again

Bring all the spaces together
And all the silences ever
Bring all the spaces together

In every episode, well
Place the mirror to me
Face, body, and mouth
To present myself a newer hell
So here, here I came

I'll be doing the same things all over again
I've got a feeling
I wonder what I'll do today
I had a routine

Relevant Tags:
OOne YYear AA.d. ne ear .d. nOe eYar .Ad. kne gear z.d. kOne gYear zA.d. Okne Ygear Az.d. 9ne hear q.d. 9One hYear qA.d. O9ne Yhear Aq.d.
0ne 6ear s.d. 0One 6Year sA.d. O0ne Y6ear As.d. lne uear w.d. lOne uYear wA.d. Olne Yuear Aw.d. ine 7ear x.d. iOne 7Year xA.d. Oine Y7ear Ax.d.
Onne jear A..d. Oe jYear Ad. Oen Yjear Ad.. Ome tear A.dd. Omne tYear A.. Onme Ytear A..d Ohe Yeear A.x. Ohne Yar A.xd. Onhe Yaer A.dx.
Oje Ysar A.e. Ojne Ysear A.ed. Onje Yesar A.de. Obe Y3ar A.f. Obne Y3ear A.fd. Onbe Ye3ar A.df. Onee Yfar A.r. On Yfear A.rd. One Yefar A.dr.
Ons Yrar A.c. Onse Yrear A.cd. Ones Yerar A.dc. On3 Y4ar A.s. On3e Y4ear A.sd. One3 Ye4ar A.ds. Onf Ydar A.d.. Onfe Ydear A.d

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