I'll Set You Free

Turn around
Look at me
Is there a trace
Where you could be
Arm yourself
With all your fears
I'll gave you consolation
By staying near

I'll set you free
I'll let you be
Save at least this night
I'll set you free
I hope this dream
Is never ending

Open your eyes
What can you see
I won't go away
Won't disappear
reach your dreams
Make them real
Give me a smile
Through your tears

Mirror lyrics:

Through your tears
Give me a smile
Make them real
reach your dreams
Won't disappear
I won't go away
What can you see
Open your eyes

Is never ending
I hope this dream
I'll set you free
Save at least this night
I'll let you be
I'll set you free

By staying near
I'll gave you consolation
With all your fears
Arm yourself
Where you could be
Is there a trace
Look at me
Turn around

Relevant Tags:
II'll SSet YYou FFree 'll et ou ree 'Ill eSt oYu rFee j'll zet gou cree jI'll zSet gYou cFree Ij'll Szet Ygou Fcree
9'll wet hou rree 9I'll wSet hYou rFree I9'll Swet Yhou Frree l'll det 6ou gree lI'll dSet 6You gFree Il'll Sdet Y6ou Fgree
o'll eet uou tree oI'll eSet uYou tFree Io'll Seet Yuou Ftree k'll xet 7ou vree kI'll xSet 7You vFree Ik'll Sxet Y7ou Fvree
8'll aet jou dree 8I'll aSet jYou dFree I8'll Saet Yjou Fdree u'll tou uI'll St tYou Fee Iu'll Ste Ytou Fere
I''ll Sst Yoou Fdee Ill Sset Yu Il'l Sest Yuo Frdee I'lll S3t Yku F4ee I'l S3et Ykou F4ree I'll Se3t Yoku Fr4ee
I'kl Sft Y9u Fgee I'kll Sfet Y9ou I'lkl Seft Yo9u Frgee I'ol Srt Y0u Ftee I'oll Sret Y0ou I'lol Sert Yo0u Frtee
I'pl S4t Ylu F5ee

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